August 17, 2023 at 12:00 PM - Board Finance Committee Meeting
Agenda |
Open Board Finance Committee Meeting
Recognitions - There are no items for this meeting.
Public Hearings - There are no items for this meeting.
Reports - There are no items for this agenda.
Consent Agenda
Financial Statements
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Discussion |
Consideration to approve amendment for all funds as of July 31, 2023. Monthly financial status reports for all funds as of July 31, 2023 are included for information purposes only.
Awarding of Bid/RFP/RFQ Items
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Discussion |
Consent C-1: Kitchen Vent Hood Cleaning Service, RFP 24-05
Consent C-2: Small Vehicle Parts and Supplies, Bid 24-29
Consent C-3: Contracted Asphalt Work, Bid 24-24
Tax Refunds
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Discussion |
Consideration to approve the Tax Collection Refunds in the amount of $36,688.14 for the month of July 2023.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Discussion |
The Rotary Club of Del Rio Texas - $300.00 - Ruben Chavira Elementary
Purchase Order over $25,000.00
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Discussion |
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 to Summit K-12 in the amount of $52,245.00 (Funding Source: General Funds) for 1679 student licenses.
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 to Lexia Learning Systems, Inc. in the amount of $32,975.00 (Funding Source: General Funds) for 310 student licenses.
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 to Progress Learning in the amount of $46,553.64 (Funding Source: 410 Instructional Materials Allotment IMA) for Elementary Progress Learning and Lift Off subscriptions.
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Brown and Brown, LLC, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, and AmTrust Insurance Company in the total amount not to exceed $2,592,919.00 (Funding Source: General Funds) for insurance coverages pertaining to Property, General Liability, School Leaders Errors and Omissions, Law Enforcement Liability, Crime, Fleet, Cyber Liability, Active Shooter, Pollution and Worker's Compensation.
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 to Imagine Learning in the amount of $87,304.80 (Funding Source: 410 Instructional Material Allotment (IMA)) for a 12-month subscription for unlimited Odysseyware access and licenses to the Texas Courseware for 9-12 students.
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Sentry Security Service, LLC, in the amount not to exceed $37,170.76 (ESC20 CO-OP #21027) (Funding Source: General Funds) for installation of access control equipment at the Del Rio High School.
Contracts over $5,000.00
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Discussion |
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 with Rosetta Stone LLC in the amount of $5,000.00 (Funding Source: Title I, Part A) for the renewal of classroom licenses to be used for Adult Education Program to build family literacy.
Second Reading and Adoption of Policy Revisions - There are no items for this meeting.
Quarterly Investment Report - There are no items for this meeting.
Administration - There are no items for this meeting.
Business and Finance
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Discussion |
Consideration to Approve Appraisal Roll and Tax Collection Certification by Tax Assessor/Collector.
Consideration to adopt the 2023-2024 Ordinance setting the M&O Tax Rate and the I&S Tax Rate.
Human Resources
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Discussion |
Consideration to approve the Interlocal Agreement between San Felipe Del Rio CISD and Val Verde Regional Medical Center and approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 in the amount of $78,777.60 (Funding Source: General Funds).
Adjourn Board Finance Committee Meeting