August 19, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum; Call Meeting To Order
Opening Ceremonies
Open Meeting
Citizens to Be Heard
Public Hearings - There are no items for this meeting.
Board Members' Report - There are no items for this meeting.
Insurance Updates
(Amy Childress) |
Facilities & Construction Updates
(Hector Chapa) |
Consent Agenda
Minutes from the Meetings
July 15, 2024 - Regular School Board Meeting
July 29, 2024 - Special Called School Board Meeting
Financial Statements
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve amendment for all funds as of July 31, 2024. Monthly financial status reports for all funds as of July 31, 2024 are included for information purposes only.
Awarding of Bid/RFP/RFQ Items
(Paula Johnson) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consent C-1: Petroleum Products, RFP 25-01
Consent C-2: Plumbing Supplies and Equipment, RFP 25-02
Consent C-3: Contracted Cleaning Services, RFP 25-10
Consent C-4: Depository Services, RFP 25-09
Tax Refunds
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve the Tax Collection Refunds in the amount of $17,037.14 for the month of July 2024.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Lifetouch - $201.50 - Del Rio Freshman Campus
Del Rio Ram Booster - $1,000.00 - Del Rio High School Athletic Trainers
The Commencement Group - $695.90 - Del Rio High School
Shutterfly - $412.49 - Ceniza Hills Elementary
HEB - Ten (10) Gift Cards with a total estimated value of $100.00 - Del Rio High School
Purchase Order over $25,000.00
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Monarch Management in the amount not to exceed $31,203.00 (Funding Source: Fund 185 General Funds - CFO District Budget) for UIL Student Catastrophic Insurance.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Brown and Brown, LLC, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, and AmTrust Insurance Company in the amount not to exceed $760,157.41 (Funding Source: Fund 199 General Funds - CFO Insurance) for insurance coverage pertaining to General Liability, School Leaders Errors and Omissions, Law Enforcement Liability, Crime, Fleet, Cyber Liability, Active Shooter, Pollution, and Worker's Compensation.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Grainger in the amount not to exceed $31,803.07 (Funding Source: Fund 240 Child Nutrition Program) for replacement of five (5) water heaters at various District campuses.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 to Imagine Learning in the amount not to exceed $91,587.00 (Funding Source: Fund 410 - Instructional Material Allotment) for a 12-month subscription for the Edgenuity Comprehensive Site including Odysseyware licenses for 9th-12th grade students.
(Jane M. Villarreal) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 to Progress Learning in the amount not to exceed $49,352.20 (Funding Source: Fund 410 Instructional Materials Allotment) for Elementary Progress Learning and Lift Off subscriptions.
(Jane M. Villarreal) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 in the amount not to exceed $105,000.00 (Funding Source: Fund 270 Title V, Part B) to purchase school supplies for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade for the 2024-2025 school year.
(Jane M. Villarreal) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with Leaf Capital Funding, LLC in the amount not to exceed $55,438.92 (Funding Source: Fund 193 General Funds - Technology) for the final annual payment for Content Keeper Internet Filtering.
(Manuel Salinas) Recommended Action: Approval |
Contracts over $5,000.00
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 with Rosetta Stone, LLC in the amount not to exceed $5,000.00 (Funding Source: Fund 211 - Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs) for the renewal of classroom licenses to be used for the Adult Education Program to build family literacy.
(Jane M. Villarreal) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 and a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 to ESC Region 13 in the amount not to exceed $38,800.00 (Funding Source: Fund 175 General Funds - Bilingual Education) for staff development.
(Jane M. Villarreal) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 and a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 to Region 15 in the amount not to exceed $30,000.00 (Funding Source: Fund 225 Title 2, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction) for Instructional Leadership Coaching staff development for campus administrators.
(Jane M. Villarreal) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 with Daktronics, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $41,655.00 (Funding Source: Fund 170 General Funds - Operations) for an extended service agreement for the Live Video Display at the Del Rio High School Stadium.
(Hector Chapa) Recommended Action: Approval |
Second Reading and Adoption of Policy Revisions - There are no items for this meeting.
Quarterly Investment Report
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve Quarterly Investment Report for March 31, 2024.
Consideration to approve Quarterly Investment Report for June 30, 2024.
Consideration to approve the Disposal of School District Property - School Buses in Compliance with 2022 EPA Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebates Program.
(Sandra T. Hernandez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve the First Reading of TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 123 affecting policies BBD (LOCAL) Board Members - Training and Orientation; BBFA (LOCAL) Ethics - Conflict of Interest Disclosures; CKC (LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management - Emergency Plans; CKEA (LOCAL) Security Personnel - Commissioned Peace Officers; CQC (LOCAL) Technology Resources - Equipment; DCE (LOCAL) Employment Practices - Other Types of Contracts; and DEC (LOCAL) - Compensation and Benefits - Leaves and Absences.
(Sandra T. Hernandez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Curriculum and Instruction
Consideration to approve the 2024-2025 Memorandum of Understanding between SFDRCISD and Val Verde Training Center, Inc. (VVTC) in connection with the VCCT ACE Grant.
(Jane M. Villarreal) Recommended Action: Approval |
Technology and Operations - There are no items for this meeting.
Business and Finance
Consideration to approve the Appraisal Roll and Tax Collection Certification by Tax Assessor/Collector.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve the No-New-Revenue Tax Rate and Voter-Approval Tax Rate for tax year 2024.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to adopt the 2024-2025 Ordinance setting and the M&O Tax Rate and the I&S Tax Rate.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Human Resources
Consideration to approve Request for Proposal (RFP) for San Felipe-Del Rio CISD Medical Benefit Plan.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Discussion and possible action to approve revisions to Employee Job Descriptions and Evaluation Forms:
(Sandra T. Hernandez) Recommended Action:
Student Services - There are no items for this meeting.
Consideration to approve revisions and updates to the SFDRCISD Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual.
(Chief Jose Faz) Recommended Action: Approval |
Closed Session
Pursuant to 551.074: Personnel Matters and 551.071 Consultations with Attorney
Consideration to approve the Personnel Report to include the following:
Consideration to approve the position of Registered Nurse at the District's Athletics Department.
Discussion and possible action to approve updates to the Non-Chapter 21 Contract Listing.
Reconvene to Open Session
Consideration to approve the Personnel Report to include the following:
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval
Consideration to approve the position of Registered Nurse at the District's Athletics Department.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve updates to the Non-Chapter 21 Contract Listing.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Superintendent's Report