June 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Special Called School Board Meeting
Agenda |
Roll Call; Establishment of Quorum; Call Meeting To Order
Opening Ceremonies
Open Meeting
Citizens to Be Heard
Citizens wishing to address the Board will be heard at this time.
Public Hearings - There are no items for this meeting.
Board Members' Report - There are no items for this meeting.
Reports - There are no items for this meeting.
Consent Agenda
Minutes from the Meetings - There are no items for this meeting.
Financial Statements - There are no items for this meeting.
Awarding of Bid/RFP/RFQ Items - There are no items for this meeting.
Tax Refunds - There are no items for this meeting.
Donations - There are no items for this meeting.
Purchase Order over $25,000.00 - There are no items for this meeting.
Contracts over $5,000.00
Consideration to approve a Contract over $5,000.00 and a Purchase Order over $25,000.00 with GEOComm School Safety in the amount not to exceed $83,100.00 (TIPS Contract 240203) (Funding Source: Safety Cycle 2 Grant) for GEOComm School Safety Solution advanced subscription digital mapping system for the SFDR-CISD Police Department.
(Chief Jose Faz) Recommended Action: Approval |
Second Reading and Adoption of Policy Revisions - There are no items for this meeting.
Quarterly Investment Report - There are no items for this meeting.
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Use of School Bus or Passenger Vans for Transportation of Baseball Team of District Students to Tournament.
(Sandra T. Hernandez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Curriculum and Instruction - There are no items for this meeting.
Technology and Operations - There are no items for this meeting.
Business and Finance
Consideration to approve the 2023-2024 Final Amended Budgets for the General Operating, Debt Service and Food Service funds.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve a resolution to commit the fund balance of the General Fund.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Consideration to approve General Fund budget amendment for 2024-2025 Commitments from fund balance.
(Amy Childress) Recommended Action: Approval |
Human Resources - There are no items for this meeting.
Student Services - There are no items for this meeting.
Security - There are no items for this meeting.
Closed Session
Pursuant to 551.074: Personnel Matters and 551.071 Consultations with Attorney
Consideration to approve the Personnel Report to include the following:
Discussion and possible action to approve the position of Principal at Blended Academy.
Discussion Regarding District Representative to Appraisal District.
Reconvene to Open Session
Consideration to approve the Personnel Report to include the following:
(Sandra T. Hernandez) Recommended Action: Approval
Consideration to approve the position of Principal for Blended Academy.
(Sandra T. Hernandez) Recommended Action: Approval |
Possible Action Regarding District Representative to Appraisal District.
(Dr. Carlos Rios) Recommended Action: Approval |
Superintendent's Report