December 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Invocation / Call to Order / Roll Call
2. Public Comments (In accordance with Sayre School Board Policy BED and BED-R, any person wishing to make public comment must notify the superintendent 24 hours prior to the meeting)
3. Consent Agenda (All of the following items, which concerns reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any member desires to have a separate vote on any or all items)
3.A. Approval of minutes of the November 8, 2023, Special Meeting
3.B. General Fund Encumbrances PO#197-211 $69,919.64
3.C. Building Fund Encumbrances
3.D. Child Nutrition Fund Encumbrances PO#8-9 $44,182.18
3.E. Fuel Report $4,546.57
3.F. Activity Fund Financial & Expenditure Reports (Elementary, Middle School, High School, Central Office, Lunchroom, Special Activity, and Sayre Technology)
3.G. Student Activity Schedule
3.H. Treasurer's Report
3.I. Accept the resignation of Hayley Wynn, MS-HS librarian
4. Leadership Team Reports
4.A. Danny Crabb, Superintendent
5. General Business
5.A. Discussion and possible action to approve or not approve the 2024-2025 calendar proposal
5.B. Discussion and possible action to approve or not approve to award one-time stipends to the site teachers of the year and the support staff member of the year
5.C. Discussion and possible action to approve or not approve the purchase and installation of a walk-in freezer, with concrete pad, and electrical hookups
5.D. Discussion and possible action to approve or not approve the proposed concrete pad projects for the track site, including storage pads and shot/discuss pads
5.E. Discussion and possible action to approve or not approve the purchase of two storage containers for track equipment
5.F. Discussion and possible action to approve or not approve the superintendent’s recommendation to hire Hope Rupp to fill the MS-HS Librarian vacancy for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year
5.G. Discussion and possible action to approve/not approve adding recent substitute applicants to the substitute list
6. New Business: (New business as used herein shall mean any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time and posting of the agenda. Pursuant to 25 O.S. Section 311 (A) (9)
7. Adjournment