May 29, 2024 at 3:30 PM - Policy & Personnel Committee
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Standing Committee Items:
2.A. INFORMATION ITEM: Becoming an Entrepreneurial Community College
2.B. INFORMATION ITEM: Review of Personnel Agenda
3. New Business Items:
3.A. Senate Bill 17: Relating to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
3.A.1. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval and notification of the following TASB Policy Updates with reference to SB17:
3.A.1.a. BG (LEGAL, LOCAL) Administrative Organization
3.A.1.b. BI (LEGAL) Reports (Notification only)
3.A.1.c. CFE (LEGAL, LOCAL, Administrative Rule) Purchasing and Acquisition
3.A.1.d. DAA (LEGAL, LOCAL) Employment Objectives: Equal Employment Opportunity
3.A.1.e. DH (LEGAL, Administrative Rule) Employee Standards of Conduct (Notification only)
3.A.1.f. FA (LEGAL, LOCAL) Equal Educational Opportunity
3.B. Executive Order No. GA-44: Relating to Addressing Acts of Antisemitism in Institutions of Higher Education
3.B.1. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval and notification of the following TASB policy updates with reference to GA-44:
3.B.1.a. FLA (LEGAL, LOCAL) Student Expression and Use of College Facilities
3.B.1.b. FLB (LEGAL, LOCAL) Student Conduct
3.B.1.c. DGC (LEGAL, LOCAL, Administrative Rule) Employee Expression and use of College Facilities
3.B.1.d. GD (LEGAL, LOCAL) Community Expression and Use of College Facilities
3.C. TASB Policies: Clean-up
3.C.1. ACTION ITEM: To consider approval of the following updated TASB policies:
3.C.1.a. AB (LEGAL, LOCAL) College District Name and Definitions
3.C.1.b. CGC (LEGAL, LOCAL) Emergency Plans and Alerts
3.C.1.c. DBD (LEGAL, LOCAL, EXHIBIT, ADMINISTRATIVE RULE) Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Conflict of Interest
3.C.1.d. FFAC (LEGAL, LOCAL) Communicable Diseases
3.C.1.e. GE (LEGAL, LOCAL) Advertising and Fundraising
3.C.2. INFORMATION ITEM: To review TASB Policies for Information Only
3.C.2.a. AF (LEGAL) Institutional Effectiveness
3.C.2.b. BAA (LEGAL) Powers, Duties, Responsibilities
3.C.2.c. BBBA (LEGAL) Conducting an Election
3.C.2.d. BBBB (LEGAL) Post-Election Procedures
3.C.2.e. BBBC (LEGAL) Reporting Campaign Funds
3.C.2.f. BBC (LEGAL) Vacancies and Removal from Office
3.C.2.g. BD (LEGAL) Board Meetings
3.C.2.h. CAAA (LEGAL) State and Federal Revenue Sources - State
3.C.2.i. CAI (LEGAL) Ad Valorem Taxes
3.C.2.j. CF (LEGAL) Purchasing and Acquisitions
3.C.2.k. CGE (LEGAL) Medical Treatment
3.C.2.l. CRA (LEGAL) Website Postings
3.C.2.m. DIAA (LEGAL) Sex and Sexual Violence
3.D. ACTION ITEM: To consider an update to the KC Mission Statement to further align the college's mission with the Board's Direction for Kilgore College to become a Community College 3.0.
3.E. INFORMATION ITEM: HB8 - FY25 Rules and Forecasting Model
3.F. INFORMATION ITEM: Student One Stop Benefits
4. Walk-ins: All
4.A. INFORMATION ITEM: Upcoming Dates
5. Adjourn