September 3, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Board Executive Committee Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Legal Updates
3. Committee Updates
3.A. Policy & Personnel Committee
3.A.1. INFORMATION ITEM: Review of Personnel Agenda
3.A.2. INFORMATION ITEM: Update on Retention
3.A.3. INFORMATION ITEM: Final Update for 2021-2024 Strategic Plan
3.A.4. ACTION ITEM: To consider adopting the new 2024-2027 Kilgore College Strategic Plan
3.A.5. ACTION/INFORMATION ITEMS: To review the following TASB policies and to consider approval of those that require Board approval:
3.A.5.a. AFA (LEGAL) Institutional Effectiveness: Performance and Institution Reports
3.A.5.b. BBD (LEGAL, LOCAL) Board Members: Orientation and Training
3.A.5.c. BBI (LEGAL, LOCAL) Board Members: Technology Resources and Electronic Communications
3.A.5.d. BCC (LOCAL) Board Internal Organization: Attorney
3.A.5.e. CAAA (LEGAL) State and Federal Resources
3.A.5.f. CC (LOCAL) Annual Operating Budget
3.A.5.g. CDA (LEGAL) Financial Reports and Statements
3.A.5.h. CDC (LEGAL) Accounting; Audits
3.A.5.i. CH (LEGAL) Site Management:
3.A.5.j. CHA (LOCAL) Site Management: Security
3.A.5.k. CIB (LOCAL) Equipment and Supplies Management: Disposal of Property
3.A.5.l. CLA (LEGAL) Facilities Standards
3.A.5.m. DIAA (LOCAL) Employee Welfare: Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Retaliation: Sex and Sexual Violence
3.A.5.n. FD (LEGAL) Tuition and Fees
3.A.5.o. FFDB (LOCAL) Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation: Other Protected Characteristics
3.A.5.p. FLBE (LOCAL) Student Conduct: Alcohol and Drug Use
3.A.5.q. GCA (LEGAL) Public Information Program: Access to Information
3.A.5.r. GCB (LOCAL) Public Information Program: Requests for Information
3.A.5.s. GH (LEGAL) Relations with Schools and Districts
3.A.5.t. GK (LEGAL, LOCAL) Relations with Educational Accreditation Agencies
3.B. Investment/Finance/Audit Committee
3.B.1. ACTION ITEM: To consider that the property tax rate be increased and by the adoption of a tax rate of $0.18, which is effectively a 7.8 percent increase in the tax rate.
4. Review of Upcoming Board Meeting Agenda
5. New Business Items
5.A. INFORMATION ITEM: Important Election Dates for May 2025 Board of Trustees Election
6. Walk-ins: All
7. Adjourn