February 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I.A. Call to Order
I.A.1) Pledge of Allegiance
I.A.2) Roll Call
I.B. Approval of Agenda
I.C. Presentations
I.C.1) Career & Technical Education – February is CTE Month: Vlad Lebedintsev, Assistant Superintendent for Career & Technical Education, and Lisa Seigel, Director of Early College, will share exciting facts and information about Career & Technical Education programs, the Career Preparation Center, and have students present and share their experiences of their chosen programs.
I.D. Audience Participation
I.E. Action Items
I.E.1) Consent Agenda
I.E.1)a. 1/17/24 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
I.E.1)b. 2/7/24 Special Board Meeting Minutes
I.E.1)c. 2/7/24 Closed Session Meeting Minutes
I.E.1)d. Personnel Report
I.E.1)e. Board Bills and Disbursement Report
I.E.2) Packard Courtyard Drainage Project: Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, is requesting that the Board approve to contract with C2AE in order to move forward with the design, bidding and construction phase of the proposed courtyard drainage work at the Packard facility in an amount not to exceed $63,197.
I.E.3) Travel Requests
I.E.3)a. DECA State Career Development Conference: Margo Hazelman, Career Preparation Center Principal, is requesting Board approval for a Student Services Coordinator/DECA Advisor and one Career Preparation Center staff member to chaperone 19 students from the Eaton RESA DECA Chapter who are eligible to compete at the state conference in Detroit, Michigan, from March 14-16, 2024.
I.E.3)b. HOSA State Leadership Conference: Margo Hazelman, Career Preparation Center Principal, is requesting Board approval for her and a Student Services Coordinator/HOSA Advisor to chaperone four students from the Eaton RESA HOSA Chapter who are eligible to compete at the state conference in Acme, Michigan, from April 18-20, 2024.
I.E.4) Superintendent Evaluation: Based on the self-evaluation and evidence provided by the Superintendent to the Board on January 17, 2024, and the Board’s completion of the Superintendent’s annual evaluation on February 7, 2024, the Board has reached consensus on an overall annual performance rating of Highly Effective for Dr. Sean Williams.
I.E.5) Amended Contract of Employment for Superintendent: Based on completion of the annual performance evaluation for the Eaton RESA Superintendent, Dr. Sean Williams, the Board President is recommending the approval of an amended five-year contract from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2029, in the amount of $180,000, as specified for 2024-25.
I.E.6) MASB Board of Directors Election Ballot: MASB is requesting that each district cast one 2024 ballot for the election of candidates to serve on its Board of Directors. Based on a review of the candidate information, the Board of Education will cast votes and submit one ballot for Eaton RESA.
I.E.7) New Adult Education Positions: With the anticipated Section 107/Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Education grant provider transition of Potterville Public Schools to Eaton RESA, the Instructional Services Department plans to expand to include the Department of Adult Education. There are three positions to be employed directly by Eaton RESA, with the remaining staff being contracted by Edustaff. Nate Leale, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services, is requesting that the Board approve a new 1.0 FTE Director of Adult Education position, a new 1.0 FTE Adult Education Office Manager position, and a new 1.0 FTE Adult Education Career Navigator/Program Support position.
I.E.8) Mid-State Health Network (MSHN) Contract Amendment: Kim Thalison, Director of School Wellness & Prevention Services, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute an amendment to the MSHN agreement for an additional $89,099, increasing the total agreement to $729,849 through September 29, 2024. The increase in funds provides community-based opioid overdose prevention support for Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham counties and funding for staff to attend a national conference.
I.E.9) Increase of 0.17 FTE School Psychologist Services: Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting that the Board approve an increase of 0.17 FTE school psychologist services due to the increased need for these services in an amount not to exceed $18,154. The increase of 0.17 FTE is being requested by Relevant Academy.
I.E.10) 2023-24 Contracted School Social Worker Services: Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute an agreement with New Direction Solutions, LLC (ProCare Therapy) and VocoVision in an amount not to exceed $49,856 to provide the contracted virtual school social worker vacancy. The agreement is from February 22, 2024, through June 14, 2024.
I.E.11) 2023-24 Contracted Occupational Therapy Services: Kelly Hager, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, is requesting that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute an agreement with CompHealth Medical Staffing in an amount not to exceed $29,928 to provide contracted occupational therapy services for a staff maternity leave of absence. The agreement is from April 14, 2024, through June 13, 2024.
I.F. Information Items
I.F.1) 2023-24 Budget Revisions: Tina Monroe, Executive Director of Finance & Operations, will provide information on the first budget amendment for the 2023-24 fiscal year, which will be brought to the Board for approval at the March 20, 2024, meeting.
I.G. Closed Session
I.G.1) Eaton Intermediate Education Association (EIEA) Collective Bargaining Agreement: The Superintendent is requesting that the Board enter into closed session, pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Section 8(c) to discuss negotiations connected with the EIEA Collective Bargaining Agreement.
I.H. Board Member Reports & Requests
I.I. Correspondence
I.I.1) Upcoming Events
I.I.1)a. Regular Board Meeting, March 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., Eaton RESA
I.J. Adjournment