December 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll call: Ruth Coppens, Dr. Katherine Ellison, Laura Sue Holcomb, Ruth Ann Knapp, Lisa Hubbard
4. Minutes
4.A. Approve the minutes from the November 21, 2023, regular board meeting (ACTION REQUIRED)
4.B. Approve the minutes from the November 21, 2023, closed session (ACTION REQUIRED)
5. Positive Highlights and Celebrations
5.A. Congratulations to David Smith who has met the requirements for certification under the MSBO Voluntary Certification Program and has earned the Chief Financial Officer certification
5.B. Congratulations to Tammmy Cavenish who has met the requirements for certification under the MSBO Voluntary Certification Program and has earned the Chief Financial Officer certification
6. Communications
6.A. Written
6.A.1. Received letter from MSBO - David Smith has met the requirements for certification under the MSBO Voluntary Certification Program and has earned the Chief Financial Officer certification
6.A.2. Received letter from MSBO - Tammy Cavendish has met the requirements for certification under the MSBO Voluntary Certification Program and has earned the Chief Financial Officer certification
6.B. From the public
7. Information
7.A. Head Start Policy Council Report - Sabrina Jackson
7.B. Transitions Center Report - Brigette Uhrich and Mitch Wheatcraft
7.C. Superintendent Report - Dr. Jeffrey Collier
7.D. The board receives the Head Start/Early Head Start Continuous Improvement Plan (FIRST READING)
7.E. The board receives the NEOLA Board Policy Special Updates - November 2023 (FIRST READING)
8. Finance
8.A. Payment of Bills
9. Items for Approval
9.A. Approve the NEOLA board policy updates for Fall 2023 (SECOND READING/ACTION REQUIRED)
9.B. Approve the SISD Head Start/Early Head Start Disability Service Plan for 2023-2024 (ACTION REQUIRED)
9.C. Approve the resolution allowing the Superintendent to sign the purchase agreement for the Claytor Preschool property (ACTION REQUIRED)
9.D. Ratify the Tentative Agreement with the ECEA bargaining unit as presented (ACTION REQUIRED)
9.E. Approve the facilities assessment costs from French & Associates as presented (ACTION REQUIRED)
9.F. Approve the Jerome Preschool renovation construction costs based on the lowest responsible bid list provided by the district’s construction manager, R.C. Hendrick (ACTION REQUIRED)
9.G. Approve the Saginaw Area Storm Water Authority's 2024 budget (ACTION REQUIRED)
9.H. Approve the Superintendent's travel to Orlando, Florida in January 2024 to present at the National Future of Education Technology Conference (ACTION REQUIRED)
9.I. Personnel Recommendations
9.I.1. None
10. Addenda
10.A. Visitor comment
10.B. Board member comment
11. Adjournment