April 17, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Announce Quorum Present and Meeting Called and Posted as Required by Law.
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence
1.B. Open Forum (Public Participation)
1.C. Student/Staff Recognition
Goal: 3 |
1.C.(1) Basketball (Boys and Girls)
1.C.(2) Soccer (Boys and Girls)
1.C.(3) Teacher of the Year Celebration - April 27, 2023
2. Consent Agenda
Goals: 1 -3 |
2.A. Minutes: March 27, 2023
2.B. TEKS Certification
2.C. Lamar County Head Start Policy Council Minutes and Monthly Summary of Activities
3. Out-of-State Student Travel
3.A. Future Problem Solving International Competition
4. Extend Bank Depository Contract
5. Discussion and Action Items from the Business Manager
Goal: 2 |
5.A. Executive Summary
5.B. Budget Summary
5.C. Tax Summary
5.D. Monthly Investment Summary and Quarterly Report
5.D.(1) Monthly Investment Summary
5.D.(2) Quarterly Investment Report
5.E. Student Nutrition
5.F. Budget Amendments
6. Budget Workshop #3
7. Discussion and Action Items from Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction & Accountability
Goal: 1 |
7.A. Enrollment as of April 11, 2023
7.B. Paris Junior College Dual Credit - Spring 2023
8. American Red Cross Facility Use Agreement
9. Superintendent's Report
9.A. Travis High School of Choice Graduation - Thursday, May 25, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m. - Weger Auditorium
9.B. Paris High School Graduation - Friday, May 26, 2023 @ 8:00 p.m. - Wildcat Stadium
10. Personnel
Sec. 551.074 To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee. |
10.A. Leaves of Absence, Resignations, and Retirements
10.B. Employment
Goals: 1A & C |
10.B.(1) Name Lone Finalist for Superintendent
10.B.(2) Consider Superintendent's recommendations regarding employment and contract status of classroom teachers and other non-administrative professional personnel
10.B.(2)a. Re-employ probationary contract employees
10.B.(2)b. Renew term contract employees
10.B.(2)c. Re-employ employees on employment agreements
10.B.(3) Consider Superintendent recommendations regarding employment and contract status of certain professional employees
11. Consultation with Attorney
Sec. 551.071. Consultation with Attorney |
12. Deliberation Regarding Real Property
Sec. 551.072. Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property |
13. Safety and Security
Section 551.076 Deliberations Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits |
14. School Children; School District Employees; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint
Sec. 551.082. School Children; School District Employees; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint |
15. Adjournment