June 16, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment*
*A link to a public comments form is available at: https://bit.ly/398iW7t. The form must be completed prior to 5:00 pm on June 15, 2020, if you wish to address the Board of Trustees on an agenda topic. All public comments shall be submitted in writing and will be reviewed by the board and acknowledged during the public comment section of the meeting.
III. Information Items:
III.A. Support Services Evaluation and Reports
III.B. First Review on Adoption of Board Policy FFAA(LOCAL) Athletic Physicals
IV. Consent Agenda:
Items to be approved in one all encompassing motion. If discussion is desired on a particular item, it will be removed from the consent agenda.
IV.A. Minutes for: Special Meeting - May 12, 2020
IV.B. Minutes for: Board Workshop - May 14, 2020
IV.C. Minutes for: Regular Meeting- May 19, 2020
IV.D. Minutes for: Special Meeting - May 26, 2020
IV.E. Minutes for: Special Meeting - June 2, 2020
IV.F. Tax Office Report for May 2020
IV.G. Investment Report for May 2020
IV.H. Budget Report for May 2020
IV.I. Budget Report by Object for May 2020
IV.J. Fund Balance Report for May 2020
IV.K. Worker’s Compensation Renewal for 2020-2021
IV.L. Property Insurance Renewal for 2020-2021
IV.M. Contract over $50,000 - Maxwell, Locke & Ritter
IV.N. Purchase Over $50,000 - Camfil/Advanced Filtration Systems
IV.O. Purchase Over $50,000 - United Refrigeration, Inc.
IV.P. Purchase Over $50,000 - Professionals of Texas Fire and Safety, Inc.
IV.Q. Purchase Over $50,000 - GameTime
IV.R. Purchase Over $50,000 - BarCon Inc.
IV.S. Purchase Over $50,000 - Gulf Coast Paper
IV.T. Purchase Over $50,000 - ProServe
IV.U. Purchase Over $50,000 - District Internet Service
IV.V. Purchase Over $50,000 - District Internet Filtering
IV.W. Purchase Over $50,000 - District Cellular Service
IV.X. Purchase over $50,000 - Email Security Service
IV.Y. Purchase Over $50,000 - Handheld Radios for Safety and Security Officers (SSO’s)
IV.Z. Contract over $50,000 - John Seidlitz Education - Title III Funds
IV.AA. Contract over $50,000 - Dr. Sandra Mercuri - Title III Funds
IV.AB. Optional Flexible School Day Program Participation for Early College High School, Del Valle High School, and Del Valle Opportunity Center
IV.AC. Ratification of TEA approved Waivers
V. Action Items:
V.A. Order Election to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 for Election of Trustees under the 9-0 Single-Member District (SMD) Plan. One Trustee will be elected from each of the following Districts:
V.A.1. SMD 1 for a Four-Year Term (Current Trustee - Ann Heuberger)
V.A.2. SMD 2 for a Four-Year Term (Current Trustee - Damian Pantoja)
V.A.3. SMD 4 for a Four-Year Term (Current Trustee - Richard Rendon)
V.A.4. SMD 6 for a Four-Year Term (Current Trustee - Rebecca Birch)
V.B. Consider and Act on Final Budget Amendments for 2019-2020
V.C. Consider and Act on Budgets for 2020-2021
V.D. Consider and Act on Fees for AG/CM Estimating Services for the Del Valle MS Replacement Project
V.E. Consider and Act on Easement Purchase Agreement and conveyance of a .626 acre Water Line Easement to the City of Austin at the intersection of State Highway 71 and Ross Road
V.F. Consider and Act on MUSCO Sports Lighting Costs to Replace Field Lighting at Veterans Memorial Stadium
V.G. Consider and Act on Worthington Furniture Costs for District Wide Pre-K and Kindergarten Classroom Furniture Replacement
VI. Closed Session
VI.A. 551.071 Consultation with attorney regarding pending personnel matters
VI.B. 551.074 Review and Consider Mutual Release with an Administrator and Rescission of the Proposed Nonrenewal of his Term Contract as Part of a Reduction in Force.
VI.C. 551.074 Discussion of Personnel
VI.D. 551.074 Review Employment, Resignations and Terminations of Professional Staff
VI.E. 551.074 Review Employment, Resignations and Terminations of At-Will Personnel
VI.F. 551.082 -School Children; School District Employees; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint
VII. Approve Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
VIII. Consider and Act on a Mutual Release with an Administrator and Rescission of the Proposed Nonrenewal of his Term Contract as Part of a Reduction in Force
IX. Adjourn**