April 17, 2012 at 6:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Closed Session
II.A. Review Employment, Resignations and Terminations of Professional Staff
II.B. Review Employment, Resignations and Terminations of At-Will Personnel
II.C. Discussion of Personnel
III. Pledge of Allegiance - Gilbert Elementary School
IV. Recognition of Campuses - Sodexo Awards
V. Chamber of Commerce Progress Report
VI. Consider and Act on 15% Deferral for End-of-Course Exams
VII. Public Forum
Anyone desiring to address the board should complete a visitor registration card by the beginning of the meeting, indicating the subject to be discussed on the back of the card. The school board will provide three minutes for each speaker to address the board. Persons arriving after the meeting starts should submit their remarks to the Board President in writing. Copies of the complete policy on public participation at board meetings are available on the registration table.
VIII. Consider and Act on Boys & Girls Club Agreement - Dailey Middle School
IX. Discussion on Funding the Traffic Signal at Ross Road and St. Thomas
X. Consent Agenda:
Items to be approved in one all encompassing motion. If discussion is desired on a particular item, it will be removed from the consent agenda.
X.A. Minutes for: Regular Meeting - March 20, 2011
X.B. Tax Office Report for March, 2012
X.C. Investment Report for March, 2012
X.D. Budget Report for March, 2012
X.E. Budget Report by Object for March, 2012
X.F. DSX Access Control Installation & Maintenance Contract
X.G. Napsco Security System Installation & Maintenance Contract
X.H. Security Camera System Repairs/Upgrades and Installation Contract
X.I. PA System Repairs/Upgrades and Installation Contract
X.J. Online College and Career Preparation Technical Assistance Program
X.K. Final Payment to the General Contractor on the Replacement of HVAC Equipment at Del Valle ISD Package B
(Hornsby Dunlap Elementary Gym)
XI. Consider and Act on Identified Additional Positions for the 2012-2013 School Year
XII. Consider and Act on Superintendent's Recommendations for 2012-2013 Employee Compensation Plan
XIII. Superintendent's Report
XIII.A. Curriculum Department Update
XIII.A.1. Title 1 Funding Update
XIII.A.2. Summer School Update for Summer 2012
XIII.B. Special Services Update
XIII.B.1. Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Report 2011-2012
XIII.B.2. Special Education Department Update
XIII.C. Human Resources Update
XIII.C.1. Retiree Reception, May 22, 2012
XIII.D. Business Office Update
XIII.D.1. Child Nutrition Update
XIII.D.2. Budget Update
XIV. Consider and Act on Budget Amendment #9 General Fund
XV. Consider and Act on Staffing Guidelines for 2012-2013
XVI. Review/Re-approve Del Valle Independent School District Investment Policies
XVII. Consider and Act on TASB Policy Update 93, Affecting Local Policies
XVII.A. Local Policies to Adopt:
XVII.A.1. DAC (LOCAL): Employment Objectives - Objective Criteria for Personnel Decisions
XVII.B. Local Policies to Revise:
XVII.B.1. DH (LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct
XVII.B.2. EFA (LOCAL): Instructional Resource - Instructional Materials
XVII.B.3. FDB (LOCAL): Admissions - Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments
XVII.B.4. FFH (LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
XVII.B.5. FFI (LOCAL): Student Welfare - Freedom from Bullying
XVII.C. Local Policies to Repeal:
XVII.C.1. DAB (LOCAL): Employment Objectives - Genetic Nondiscrimination
XVIII. Consider Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
XIX. Adjourn**