May 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I. Roll Call
II. Call to Order
III. Pledge
IV. Communications
IV.A. D91 Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
IV.B. D91 Foundation
IV.C. D91 Parent Athletic Association (PAA)
IV.D. Invitation to Address the Board of Education
Per Policy 2:230 - Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
During each regular and special open meeting of the Board, any person may comment to or ask questions of the School Board (public participation), subject to the reasonable constraints established and recorded in this policy’s guidelines below. The Board listens to comments or questions during public participation; responses to comments to or questions of the Board are most often managed through policy 3:30, Chain of Command. To preserve sufficient time for the Board to conduct its business, any person appearing before the Board is expected to follow these guidelines:
V. Staff Recognition
On Tuesday evening, we will recognize/honor the following retirees:
All retirees have been invited to attend Tuesday’s meeting so board members can express their best wishes and gratitude for their dedication to the district. The board president will say a few words about each retiree and present a gift from the Board of Education. |
VI. Student Recognition
On Tuesday evening we will be recognizing the KG students of the month and Drama Club.
VII. Approval of Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda is a list of routine non-controversial items, which do not require further discussion and which are approved with one motion and one roll call vote. It is an effective procedure to handle routine matters on the agenda expeditiously. All consent items shall be listed with an asterisk(*) and will be enacted with one motion. However, any member of the Board of Education may request that an item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda and discussed in its regular order. |
VII.A. Approval of Minutes *
VII.B. Approval of Financial Reports
VII.B.1. Payment of Bills (online)*
VII.B.2. Monthly Financial Reports (on-line)*
VII.B.3. Activity Accounts*
VII.B.4. Treasurer's Report*
VII.B.5. Investment Report*
VII.B.6. Flexible Spending Account*
VII.C. FOIA Report *
We have not received any requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act since the last board meeting.
VII.D. Suspension Report *
Attached is the suspension report for Kelvin Grove and Milne Grove for the month of April 2024.
VIII. Board Reports/Discussion Items
VIII.A. Joint Annual Conference/Board President Workshop
Registration for the 2024 Joint Annual Conference is expected to open on Monday, June 3, 2024. The conference is scheduled for November 22-24. Please review your calendar and let me know Tuesday evening if you will be attending the conference and if you will be staying in Chicago. This will allow Mrs. Melber to register members as soon as possible when registration opens. |
VIII.B. Graduation 2024
Graduation is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, in the LTHS East Campus Auditorium. All members are invited to attend the graduation ceremony. Members of the Board of Education sit on stage throughout the ceremony, the board members will be assigned a group of students to hand each graduate their diploma and then shake their hand.
VIII.C. First Read of Press Policy Issue 114
Below is a list of revised/new/updated policies and exhibits are being brought to the Board ofEducation for a first reading as a part of the August meeting:
Please look over the included update memo and the policies. Changes will be made as the Board deems necessary and submitted for official Board approval as part of the June board meeting. On Tuesday evening, Dr. Wilkey will provide an overview of the policy changes that are presented. ![]() |
IX. Reports of the Superintendent
IX.A. FY24 Budget Amendment
In April, the Board approved posting the required notice regarding the budget hearing in June and putting an amended budget on review for 30 days. The budget amendment files will be available on our district website's main page. I am working on the budget amendment to reflect all known revenue updates and expected expenditures for FY24. I have attached a copy of the budget amendment and account details showing the changes by account. I will walk members through the changes. Members will have until the June meeting to review the amendment. If any member has questions, please contact me before the June meeting. At the June 11, 2024 meeting, after a budget hearing is held, it will be recommended that the budget amendment be approved.
IX.B. Lunch Program Audit
On April 10-12th we took part in an audit conducted by The Illinois State Board of Education, regarding the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). This audit is conducted every few years to ensure that Districts are following all of the requirements of the NSLP. The audit took three full days but we were well prepared and received a good review. Attached you will find the exit review with the findings from the audit that will be corrected moving forward.
IX.C. Health Life Safety Inspection
The regional office of education has completed the annual health life safety inspection report for both schools this past week. There were no violations found at Milne Grove and a minor violation has already been taken care of at Kelvin Grove. Enclosed you will find a copy of the inspection letters from the Regional Office of Education.
X. Closed Session
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. [1] However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance the [the Open Meetings Act]. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 99-646
XI. Action Items
XI.A. Honorable Dismissal
Recommendation to be made pending subsequent discussion BACKGROUND The attached Resolution for Honorable Non-Renewal/Dismissal of Support Personnel will be discussed during closed session and updated copies will be provided based on the consensus of the Board. |
XI.B. MOU Schedule B - SLP
RECOMMENDATION Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Lockport Teachers Association regarding Schedule B to include a section for the Speech Language Pathologist. The parties agree that the Speech Language Pathologist position is a critical needs position and has been difficult to hire. This position requires a unique skill set that other members of the bargaining unit are not qualified to be reassigned to without proper licensing. Given the critical need and special licensing required for the position, it is recommended that the Board will pay an annual stipend starting in the 2024-25 years to secure a properly licensed Speech Language Pathologist for the district. |
XI.C. Extend MOU for HMO4 Insurance to include 2024-2025
RECOMMENDATION Extend the Memorandum of Understanding with the Lockport Teachers Association regarding the HMO4 Insurance to include the 2024-25 school year. |
XI.D. Personnel Report
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XI.E. Support Staff Raises for FY25
RECOMMENDATION Continued employment of the current support staff for the 2024-2025 school year at the established rates to meet the minimum wage requirements while honoring the years of service in the district. I am recommending that the Board approve maintaining the same rate increase from the FY23 and FY24 school years for hourly wage support staff to be in compliance with the minimum wage requirements while also honoring years of service in the district. Each of our current hourly staff would receive an increase of $1 to their current base wage and then a 2% raise applied to the new base for their FY25 hourly wage. Example:. If the current FY24 hourly wage is $14, the new raise would be ($14+$1)*1.02= $15.30 |
XI.F. Multi-Year Contract Rates for FY25
RECOMMENDATION A recommendation will be made following closed session on Tuesday night. BACKGROUND Individuals with multi-year contracts are:
The recommendation for multi-year contract rate increases for FY25 will be provided after the closed session discussion. |
XI.G. Stipend for Treasurer, Board Secretary, and Sub Caller
The recommendation for Treasurer, Board Secretary, and Sub Caller rate increases for FY25 will be provided after the closed session discussion. |
XI.H. Multi-Year Curriculum Coordinator Contract
RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that a multi-year administrative contract for the Curriculum Coordinator be approved. BACKGROUND On Tuesday evening as a part of the closed session, we will discuss the multi-year contract for the Curriculum Coordinator. Please find the contract attached. |
XI.I. Accept Donations
RECOMMENDATION Accept the monetary donation from various donors in the amount of $2,075 for Noah’s Chess Garden. BACKGROUND Numerous studies have shown that the game of chess improves memory function, increases problem-solving skills and creativity -- and simultaneously exercises both sides of the brain. Anyone can learn to play chess. The Noah's Chess Garden Project is designed to help Kelvin Grove provide a large-scale meaningful memorium for one of our students -- while allowing current and future students (and community members) to have a unique experience learning the game of chess. "Noah" means both "rest" and "motion" and beautifully describes the strategic outdoor chess game area we wish to create to honor Noah's passion for this game. Noah is a former student who passed away in a sudden and tragic accident. He was instrumental in founding a formal Chess Club, among many other contributions. To illuminate his legacy, students and faculty will have access to this portable giant chess set in an outdoor setting -- and inside the LRC MakerSpace during inclement weather. Since the set itself is portable, it can also be utilized during special school incentives and events from Field Days to Conferences, and so much more. Noah's Garden will provide a venue for a wide variety of learners to enjoy the game of chess, and Noah's love for the game will be shared. Thank you to the many donors who contributed to the project. A list of the donors is attached for the board to review. |
XI.J. IESA Membership Renewal
BACKGROUND: The Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA) has provided D91 student-athletes with an opportunity to compete at the state level. It has also established standards for all members of athletic teams to follow throughout their season. The fee recommendation is the same as the current fee structure for the 2023-2024 school year, with the exception of a decrease in membership dues from $300 to $275. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the IESA membership for the student athletic groups listed below for the 2024-2025 school year at a cost of $1,075.00.
XI.K. Employment of Assignment Chair
BACKGROUND Ten years ago, the board approved, in the absence of a full-time athletic director, the position of assignment chair to oversee the scheduling of all referees for athletic competitions played at home. Mr. Mondrella was hired to fill this position and has done an excellent job each year. |
XI.L. Rate for Athletic Officials for 2024-25
XI.M. Submit FY25 COPS SVPP Application
RECOMMENDATION To approve the submission of the FY25 COPS SVPP Application |
XI.N. Tentative Summer Camps
Below is a list of summer camps that we would like to run at Kelvin Grove: Softball: July 22-25, 9-11 am Boys/Girls Volleyball: Week 1: May 28-31, 9-11:30am Week 2: June 3-6, 12:30-3pm |
XI.O. Five-Year Snow Removal Contract
RECOMMENDATIONBased on the information provided by Mr. Pierson, I concur with his recommendation to contract snow removal services with White Oaks Landscaping, Inc. for a period of five years.BACKGROUNDMr. Pierson had one company bid on snow removal services for the district, White Oaks Landscaping. Attached you will find a recommendation along with a copy of the bid proposal.It is my recommendation that the Board of Education approve the 5-year contract for snow removal with White Oaks Landscaping, Inc. |
XI.P. Lunch Program Contract for 2024-25
Approve the food contract with Quest Foods for the 2024-2025 school year. BACKGROUND During the 2023-24 school year, the National School Lunch program did an audit on the Illinois State Board of Education oversight on IL school lunch programs. During this process, it was determined that school district’s were no longer able to enter into Intergovernmental Agreements with other local districts to provide lunch services. Given this new regulation, it required our district to go out to bid for a new food service contract for the 2024-2025 school year. Part of the allowance for the lunch program bid process allowed us to enter into a joint Request for Proposal (RFP) with other school districts. During this process, we partnered with Fairmont, Taft, and LASEC who offer the same type of lunch program as us (vended meals). Bids for the RFP were due on April 24, 2024 and at that time we only received one bid, Quest Foods, LLC. Attached you will find a copy of the complete bid package. Below is a comparison of the previous meal prices we were billed through our Intergovernmental Agreement with LTHS and the new bid that we were quoted:
The chart shows the food prices were much lower in our last Intergovernmental Agreement with LTHS. I did learn in a meeting with Quest Foods that the prices we had been paying were the lowest meal rates for any food service contract that Quest had. We have had great experience with Quest Foods through the current food service contract and the new price per meal is in alignment with what other local districts were already being billed with their agreements from Quest Foods. It is my recommendation that the District 91 Board of Education approve a food service contract with Quest, who has provided food service to District 91 as a satellite program from LTHS in our prior Intergovernmental Agreement with Lockport Township High School. Lunch prices for the 2024-2025 school year will be presented to the board at the June meeting. |
XI.Q. Student Chromebook Purchase for 2024-25 School Year
Recommendation: Approve the purchase of CTL Acer C736 Chromebooks based on the quantities specified to support the student device refresh cycle for students in grades 4-8. Background: This summer we will be replacing the Chromebooks used in grades 4-8. These devices were originally purchased in 2020 and have been used through four school years and are certainly showing it. We will be replacing them with new Acer C736 Chromebooks with 8GB of RAM and N100 CPUs. These specs are a step up from our older Chromebooks at 4GB of RAM and should enable our students to continue to effectively engage with a digital curriculum. In communication with other school districts most are also targeting these 8GB models for new purchases. We were able to get a demo C736 from the vendor and are pleased with the overall construction, build quality, and the ease of repair of it. Through the past four years with our previous model, VX11, we have taken note of the common wear and tear items and in this refresh we are focusing our evaluation of replacement models on those areas to hopefully reduce the occurrence of damage with this batch. The total project will cost approximately $114,000 which includes the Chromebooks for 4-8 and an order of additional cases. Money for this project will be allocated accordingly in the FY25 budget. |
XI.R. Approval of Consolidated District Plan for FY25
RECOMMENDATION Approval of the Consolidated District Plan for FY25. BACKGROUND Each year the district is required to receive board approval for the Consolidated District Plan for federal grants we apply for each year including Title I, Title II, Title IV, IDEA Part B Flow-Through, IDEA - CEIS, and IDEA Part B Preschool. This plan must be approved by each district’s Board of Education before we can submit our individual federal grants for FY25. We have no changes within our plan from the current school year to the next school year, therefore, we plan to continue allocating the federal funds in the same manner as we have in the past. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Consolidated District Plan as presented for FY25. |
XII. Informational Items
XII.A. Legislative Report
XII.B. Upcoming Dates
XIII. Adjournment