June 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I. Roll Call
II. Call to Order
III. Pledge
IV. Public Hearing - FY24 Budget Amendment
A Board of Education may amend the district budget by following the same procedures required for adopting a budget (notice, budget on display, hearing). We have met all of these requirements. *Please note the bond proceeds are showing in the Capital Projects line since it closed during this fiscal year, which will inflate the fund balance until the project expenditures are complete during the FY26 budget. The second total showing is a more accurate picture of original budget and amendment, removing capital projects. The budget amendment recommended for adoption reflects the following: |
V. Communications
V.A. D91 Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
V.B. D91 Foundation
V.C. D91 Parent Athletic Association (PAA)
V.D. Invitation to Address the Board of Education
Per Policy 2:230 - Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
During each regular and special open meeting of the Board, any person may comment to or ask questions of the School Board (public participation), subject to the reasonable constraints established and recorded in this policy’s guidelines below. The Board listens to comments or questions during public participation; responses to comments to or questions of the Board are most often managed through policy 3:30, Chain of Command. To preserve sufficient time for the Board to conduct its business, any person appearing before the Board is expected to follow these guidelines:
VI. Approval of Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda is a list of routine non-controversial items, which do not require further discussion and which are approved with one motion and one roll call vote. It is an effective procedure to handle routine matters on the agenda expeditiously. All consent items shall be listed with an asterisk(*) and will be enacted with one motion. However, any member of the Board of Education may request that an item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda and discussed in its regular order. |
VI.A. Approval of Minutes *
VI.B. Approval of Financial Reports
VI.B.1. Payment of Bills (online)*
VI.B.2. Monthly Financial Reports (on-line)*
VI.B.3. Activity Accounts*
VI.B.4. Treasurer's Report*
VI.B.5. Investment Report*
VI.B.6. Flexible Spending Account*
VI.C. FOIA Report *
We received one request for information under the Freedom of Information Act since the last board meeting. Please find the request and response attached.
VI.D. Suspension Report *
There are no suspension reports for Kelvin Grove and Milne Grove since the May board meeting.
VII. Board Reports/Discussion Items
VIII. Reports of the Superintendent
On Tuesday evening, Dr. Rae will share an overview of the ELA audit to include a recommended list of next steps for the curriculum process.
VIII.B. Summer Project Updates
On Tuesday evening Dr. Wilkey will provide an update on the summer renovation projects to be completed before the start of the school year.
IX. Action Items
IX.A. 2023-24 Budget Amendment
RECOMMENDATION To adopt/approve the 2023-2024 budget amendment as presented. BACKGROUND In April, the Board approved putting an Amended Budget on review for 30 days and posting the required notice regarding the budget hearing this month. The tentative budget amendment was reviewed in May and put on public display. All changes made have been recorded and presented as a part of the budget hearing. It is recommended the Board of Education adopt the proposed budget amendment for the 2024 fiscal school year as presented. |
IX.B. Personnel Report
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IX.C. Approve Meal Prices for FY25
RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND With the approval of the new food service contract at the May meeting and the need to adjust the breakfast and lunch prices, it is important to consider the trends in both the new food contract prices along with food prices. Below is a comparison of the previous meal prices we were billed through our Intergovernmental Agreement with LTHS and the new approved food service prices for next year:
Below are the lunch price trend differences between price billed and price charged per meal:
As you can see, the actual charge for the school breakfast/lunch prices follow a pattern of what the district has charged over the food contract price which helps to subsidize the district’s cost for personnel to prepare the meals. To continue honoring the same practice but also considering our families, below is a proposed schedule of meal prices for the next two years:
The recommendation for students to purchase additional milk will remain at 50 cents per carton and the snack for our EL program will be at the actual contract price charged. It is my recommendation that the District 91 Board of Education approve food prices for the 2024-25 school year only that will include the consideration for a two-year price increase for our families instead of all at once. |
IX.D. Second Read of Policies
Recommendation: To adopt the updated/revised/new policies below as discussed during the first reading at the May 2024 regular meeting. |
IX.E. 2024-2025 Board Meeting Dates
Recommendation to approve the 2024-25 Board of Education Public Calendar as presented. This will also include the May 2023 reorganization meeting board member assignments to committees. |
IX.F. Property/Casualty/Student Activity/Fiduciary/Cyber Insurance Renewal
RECOMMENDATION Approve renewal with Collective Liability Insurance Cooperative (CLIC) for 2024-2025 Property/Casualty, Cyber Liability/Identity Theft, Fiduciary Liability, School Board Legal Liability, Pollution Liability and Student Accident Insurance.
In May we received our annual premium updates from our Collective Liability Insurance Cooperative. Attached you will find a breakdown that demonstrates the changes in premiums for each type of insurance we carry, which show a final annual premium increase of 4.1% from FY24 to FY25. The total cost for FY24 was $49,759 and will be $51,824 for the FY25 year. The fiduciary liability insurance increased slightly from FY24 to FY25 by $50 for a new renewal amount of $2,200. It is recommended the Board of Education approve the renewal with Collective Liability Insurance Cooperative (CLIC) for Property/Casualty, Cyber Liability/Identity Theft, Fiduciary Liability, School Board Legal Liability, Pollution Liability and Student Accident Insurance for a total premium of $54,024 for FY25. |
IX.G. Buidling Rate Use for 2024-2025
RECOMMENDATION The Board of Education will establish the building use rates to remain the same for 2024-2025 as they have been for the last three years. BACKGROUND The last several years the Board has decided to maintain the building use rates as shown below:
Board Policy #8:20 states that the Board will evaluate and establish the building use rate annually. For the past several years, the district has not charged the District 91 Parent Athletic Association (D91PAA) a building use fee for the two weekends of the Holiday Tournament and has allowed the association to reimburse the District the cost for one custodian to open and close the building each day of the tournament and assist with any last-minute details and cleanup needs. Similar arrangements have been made with the PTO and the D91 Foundation. We currently do not have any non-affiliated organizations renting building space. Per the contract with Lockport Area Special Education Cooperative (LASEC), each member district who houses one of the LASEC programs will charge an annual rental fee of $15,000 per classroom. It is recommended that the building use rates for FY25 remain the same since FY22 with D91PAA, PTO, and D91 Foundation being permitted to pay the district for a custodian, as needed, instead of paying a building use fee. |
IX.H. Authorize Superintendent to Add Class Sections and Hire Personnel as Needed
RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Superintendent to add class sections and hire personnel as needed for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. BACKGROUND: We will be registering students throughout the summer months. I am requesting that the Board provide the Superintendent the authority to add class sections and hire personnel as needed throughout the summer. Sections will only be added if needed (i.e., the class size exceeds the board’s recommendation, or the administration believes that the class size is so large it will impede students’ ability to learn in the classroom). Members will be kept abreast of class size changes throughout the summer. All hires will be brought to the Board as part of a regular meeting, since there will be a July meeting this year. It is recommended that the Board of Education authorize the Superintendent to add class sections and hire personnel based on guidelines established by the Board of Education. |
IX.I. Estimated July Accounts Payable
RECOMMENDATION To approve the payment of accounts payable for the month of July, 2024, up to $500,000. BACKGROUND Since we will not be holding a July meeting, I am asking the Board to approve the payment of all bills due in July prior to the August meeting. The estimated expenditures for July would include the normal monthly bills, bills for facility work, grant expenditures, student consumables, curriculum resources, software licenses, purchased services, and general office supplies. It is recommended the Board of Education approve the payment of accounts payable for July up to $500,000. |
IX.J. Estimated July Payroll
RECOMMENDATION To approve the estimated July payrolls. BACKGROUND I am asking the Board to approve in advance, payment of the July payroll, including health insurance premiums, federal and state taxes, IMRF, THIS, and TRS contributions. It is recommended that the Board of Education approve payment of the July payroll estimated at $150,000. |
IX.K. Processing of All Summer Purchase Orders
RECOMMENDATION Approval to process all summer purchase orders. BACKGROUND Each summer, we purchase all needed consumables, textbooks, supplies, etc. for the upcoming school year. This year is no different. Requisitions are being completed and purchase orders will be sent to vendors at the end of June. It is recommended the Board of Education approve the processing of all summer purchase orders approved by the Superintendent. |
X. Informational Items
X.A. Media
X.B. Correspondence
X.C. Legislative Report
X.D. Upcoming Dates
XI. Adjournment