September 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM - September 2023 EMCC Board of Trustees Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. *Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Consent Agenda
V. *Approval of Board Minutes for Meeting on August 14, 2023
VI. Board Chair's Report
VII. President's Report
VIII. *Approval of Claims Docket and Sole Source Purchases
IX. Old Business
A. Enrollment Update - Dr. Nikita Ashford-Ashworth B. Strategic Plan Update - Laura Damm
X. New Business |
XI. Financial Report and Review of Investment Activity (see attachment Ms. Holmes)
XII. Ratification of Emergency Purchases (see attachments, Ms. Holmes)
XIII. Approval of PN Handbook for the 2023-24 academic year (see attachment, Dr. Rush)
XIV. Approval to close the Ophthalmic Technology program located on the Scooba campus, effective May 2025, due to low enrollment and demand. (see attachment, Dr. Rush)
XV. Approval of Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Memorandum of Agreement for Fall 2023 for the following schools: Columbus Municipal School District and Lowndes County School District (see attachment, Dr. Rush)
XVI. Approval of Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Memorandum of Agreement for the 2023-24 academic year with Heritage Academy (see attachment, Dr. Rush)
XVII. Approval of Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Memorandum of Agreement for the 2023-24 academic year with Oak Hill Academy (see attachment, Dr. Rush)
XVIII. Board Attorney's Report (Attorney Rod Hickman)
XIX. Other Business
A. Legislative Support Letters (see attachment, Dr. Alsobrooks) B. Approval of recommended bid for the construction of a decorative security fence to enclose the front of the GT Campus. Fencing includes gates, brick columns, and signage. Bid opens September 11, 2023-will have bid tabulation at the meeting. (Dr. Paul Miller) C. Executive Session (Chair) D. Date for the October 2023 meeting at the Scooba Campus |
XX. Approval of Per Diem/Travel and Adjournment (Chairman)