February 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Reading of the YME Mission Statement
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Public Address to the Board of Education
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Regular Business
5.1.1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes - January 12, 2015
5.1.2. Approval of Board Work Session Notes - January 26, 2015
5.1.3. Approval of Payment for Claims
5.1.4. Approval of Finance Report
5.1.5. Approval of Enrollment Report
5.1.6. Approval of Prairie 5 Head Start Agreement - In-Kind Donation
5.1.7. Approval of E-Rate Application for Technological Services for BRE with Quotation Received from Businessware Solutions
5.1.8. Approval of E-Rate Application for District Communications Services
5.1.9. Approval of Superintendent Search as an In-house Project
5.1.10. Approval of $3,500 for the Superintendent Search Budget
5.2. Personnel
5.2.1. Approval of Employment Contract with Randy Haakenson - Media Supervision/Paraprofessional
5.2.2. Approval of Retirement for Jan Mehr, Food Service, and Authorize Administration to Find Replacement
6. Reports
6.1. District - Superintendent/Finance Officer
6.1.1. Enrollment Instability - Dr. Clark
6.1.2. Explanation of Budget Preparation - Dr. Clark & LeeAnn Boushek
6.1.3. Begin the Process of Constructing a Calendar for the 2015-2016 School Year
6.1.4. Turn in Superintendent Questions
6.2. YME Middle/High School - Ryan Luft, Principal
6.3. Bert Raney Elementary - Lisa Hansen, Principal
7. Old Business
7.1. Consideration of Adding Karen Londgren to the Administrative Phone Stipend Permission
7.2. Approval of Revised Fiscal 2015 Budget - Expenditures & Revenue
7.3. Approval of Title VII and Impact Aid Report/Grant
7.4. Discussion of Board of Education Limitation of Fund Balance in Construction of the 2016 Fiscal Year Budget
8. New Business
8.1. Discussion of the Vocational Agriculture and FFA Trip to Maui, Hawaii
8.2. Discussion on an Overnight Trip Policy
8.3. Discussion of Legislation & Approval for Local Learning Year - Start Before Labor Day
8.4. Discussion of Authorizing an Operating Levy Referendum for November 3, 2015
8.5. Discussion of Recommendation to Update Steam Table at BRE
8.6. Discussion of Governors Budget Proposal on Early Childhood Programming
9. Correspondence
9.1. Notes from the Combined Meeting of the Finance Committee, Buildings & Grounds Committee, and Greenhouse Committee
9.2. Operational Review Report from Honeywell
9.3. Article - The Downside of Humble Frugality for School Districts
10. Closed Session for the Purpose of Discussing a Student Discipline Issue
11. Adjourn the Meeting