July 8, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum, Call to Order
II. Read and approve minutes of previous meeting
III. Audience with individuals/committees making a request
IV. Superintendent Report
IV.A. A. School Board of Trustee Election in November 5, 2024
IV.B. School Board of Trustee Filing begins on July 20, 2024 and ends on August 19, 2024
IV.C. Possible Date for Board Meeting to Consider Bond Possible Projects and Bond Planning – July 29.
IV.D. Future Board Meetings:
a. Regular Meeting on August 12, 2024. b. Called Meeting on August 27: Adopt 2024-25 Budget, Set Tax Rate, and End of the Fiscal Year. |
V. New and Miscellaneous Business
V.A. Discussion/Action – Shiver-Megert Possible Bond Projects
V.B. Discussion/Action – Consider Hiring: a. Elementary Teacher: Pre K
V.C. Discussion/Action – 2024-2025 Code of Conduct
V.D. Discussion/Action – Consider Property and Casualty Insurance Bids and the
Bidding Process |
V.E. Discussion/Action – Consider the MCAD New Construction Resolution and Update
on Martin Co. Appraisal District Facility Project |
V.F. Discussion/Action – School Guardian Plan
V.G. Discussion/Action – Consider Adding Member(s) to Guardian Team
V.H. Discussion/Action – Consider Purchasing Welders for Ag Mechanics
V.I. Discussion/Action – Consider and Approve Prices for School Breakfast and Lunch
V.J. Discussion/Action – Novate Applicable Title Federal Funds to ESC 18
V.K. Discussion/Action – Consider 2022- 23 WADA Adjustment Payment
V.L. Discussion/Action – Consider and possible action to order a General Election of two (2) trustee positions for Districts 5 and 6 to be held on November 5, 2024. (Considerar una posible acción para ordenar una Elección General de dos (2) puesto de síndico para el Distritos 5 y 6 que se llevarán a cabo el 5 de noviembre de 2024.)
V.M. Discussion/Action – Consider Board approval of the Notice and Order of General
Election for Early Voting and for Election Day. (Considerar la aprobación del Consejo del Aviso y la Orden de convocatoria de elecciones generales para la votación adelantada y para el día de las elecciones.) |
V.N. Discussion/Action – Consider and possible approval of Resolutions to conduct a joint election on November 5, 2024, with all cities and schools with territory inside Martin County that may require a November 5, 2024 election. (Considerar y possible aprobación de la Resolución para realizar una elección conjunta el 5 de noviembre de 2024, con todas las ciudades y escuelas con territorio dentro del condado de Martin que pueden requerir una elección el 5 de noviembre de 2024.)
V.O. Discussion/Action – Consider and possible approval of the Joint Election Contract with Martin County for 2024 elections. (Consideración y possible aprobación del Contrato de Elección Conjunta con el Condado de Martin para las elecciones de 2024.)
V.P. Discussion/Action – Consider and possible approval to appoint Helen Floyd, Elections Administrator, to serve as Joint Elections Officer for Martin County. (Consideración y possible aprobación para nombrar a Helen Floyd, Administradora de Elecciones, para que se desempene como Oficial de Elecciones Conjunta para el Condado de Martin.)
V.Q. Discussion/Action – Consider and possible approval to appoint Helen Floyd, Elections Administrator, to serve as Joint Early Voting Clerk for Martin County. (Consideración y possible aprobación para nombrar a Helen Floyd, administradora de Elecciones, para que se desempene como Secretaria de Votación Anticipada Conjunta para el Condado de Martin.)
V.R. Discussion/ Action- Budget Amendments.
V.S. Approval of payment of monthly bills.
VI. Adjourn