August 10, 2016 at 4:15 PM - Education Committee
Agenda |
1. Informational Items - These items are provided for informational purposes only and no action is required.
1.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report
As part of her monthly report, Assistant Superintendent Amy Starzecki will highlight efforts in teaching and learning across ISD 709. Updates will be shared regarding implementation of District initiatives to support teaching and learning.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational.
1.B. Informational Presentations
1.B.1) 2015-16 State Test Results
On Thursday, July 28, 2016, the Minnesota Department of Education released the 2015-16 state test results, which include the results of the accountability tests, MCA and MTAS. Consistent with AYP and MMR calculations, results are reported as "all accountability tests" for students enrolled October 1st in our District. A detailed review will be provided by Dr. Tawnyea Lake, Director of Assessment and Evaluation.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational.
1.C. Grant Applications
1.C.1) AmeriCorps Promise Fellow Grant Application
Deborah Devaney, Lincoln Park Middle School, has submitted grant applications to the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation, Minnesota Power and Light, Otto Bremer Trust and the Duluth-Superior Community Foundation in the amount of $18,400.00. Lincoln Park Middle School has a 5-year history of having a comprehensive and successful AmeriCorps program which provides intervention for at-risk students and to address the achievement gap. Lincoln Park has two AmeriCorps Promise Fellows who would like to continue their service at Lincoln Park Middle School for the 2016-2017 school year. They provide attendance, behavior and academic support to over 70 at-risk students. The Lincoln Park Promise Fellow program is very successful and is depended on by students, staff, parents, administration and the community. If awarded, this funding would provide the matching funds for the two positions as well as a small stipend for the supervisor, funds for travel to mandatory MN Alliance with Youth training and a nominal amount for supplies.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board receive this item as informational. |
1.D. Regulations - NONE
2. Action Items
2.A. Physical Education Adoption for K-12
Minnesota has adopted the National Standards for Physical Education which were developed by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) in 2004. Minnesota State Statute 120B.021 requires districts to adopt the National Standards for Physical Education. As a result of work through curriculum writing, aligning standards to the National Standards for Physical Education, doing a physical inventory, and reviewing materials through various vendors a partial adoption was completed in the 15-16 school year and the remaining proposal for the Physical Education adoption for the 16-17 school year is below: Total: $44,650.57 Secondary: $42,834.31 Elementary: $ 1,816.26
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above item.
2.B. Grant Awards
2.B.1) Resolution E-8-16-3389 - Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools
Attached is Resolution E-8-16-3389- Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools, to accept and approve the grant awards from the following organizations: Northland Foundation
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve Resolution E-8-16-3389- Acceptance of Grant Awards to Duluth Public Schools.
2.C. Diploma Requests
The following students have met all graduation requirements for the Duluth Public Schools and should be awarded a Diploma: Olivia Collette Comeau-Thompson - July 20, 2016 Anthony Arlington Boucher - July 20, 2016 Quincee Renea Thompson - July 20, 2016 Cole Jordon Scott Garson - July 20, 2016 Gabriel James Hakkila - June 28, 2016 Carlynn J. Lipe - July 5, 2016 Zachary Kevin Marble - July 6, 2016 Jacob John Peterson - July 20, 2016 Caitlin Sarah Lawler - July 21, 2016 John Wayne Orrey - July 21, 2016
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board accept and approve the above Diploma Requests.
2.D. Policies - NONE
3. Future Items
- 2016-17 High School Course/Program Offerings - High School Student Orientation Presentation - Wellness Policy Update - Review of Teacher Development and Evaluation Process - Full Service Community Schools Presentation |