December 20, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Business Committee - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Financial Report
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the Financial Report as presented.
1.A. Financial Report
The draft of the financial report for the fiscal year ended June 2011 was presented at the December 12, 2011 Business Committee meeting. A representative from Eikill and Schilling was at the Business Committee meeting to present their findings. The final report will be available for the December 20, 2011 board meeting. |
1.A.1) Preliminary income statements (unaudited) for the month ended October 2011 are attached.
1.B. Approval of Payment of Claims
This item is attached as an "extra" on BoardBook.
1.C. Budget Revisions
1.D. Wire Transfers
1.E. Investment Transactions
1.F. WADM Projections
1.G. Fund Raisers
1.H. Investments in School Children
2. Bids, R.F.P.s and Quotes Reports
2.A. Bids
2.A.1) PLACEHOLDER - for Bids Related to the LRFP
2.B. R.F.P.s
2.C. Quotes
2.C.1) Quote #4101 – Intrusion Detection System at Eastern Middle School (Ordean East Middle School)
Arrowhead Radio & Security, Inc. $51,910.00
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve entering into a contract with the firm listed above based on their low responsive quote as shown on the Quote Tab and Letter of Recommendation as provided in response to Quote #4101 – Intrusion Detection System at Eastern Middle School.
2.C.2) PLACEHOLDER – For Quotes Related to the LRFP
3. Policies and Regulations
3.A. Policies
3.A.1) Policy 9000 - Annual Meeting
Attached are recommended changes to Policy 9000 - Annual Meeting to bring the policy into alignment with MN Statute 123B.13 Sub.1.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the proposed changes to Policy 9000 for a second reading.
3.B. Regulations
4. Contracts, Change Orders, and Leases
4.A. Contracts
4.A.1) Contracts for Tutoring Services
Attached are contracts with the following 11 providers for Tutoring Services as part of the No Child Left Behind initiative. The funding is from Title I/AYP/SES and the total amount available is $300,000. It is unknown how much each individual contract will be until after the students have signed up for the services. Administration is recommending that approval be granted for services with all 11 vendors, not to exceed a total, between all vendors, of $300,000.00. 1 to 1 Tutor LLC Eduwizards, Inc. 24 Hours Tutoring ATS Project Success Sylvan Learning Kids Reading for Success College Tutors and Nannies Tutor Co Tutorial Services Club Z Educate Online Learning LLC
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve entering into contracts with the 11 vendors for student tutoring services, not to exceed $300,000.00.
4.A.2) Speech Partners LLC
Attached is a contract with Speech Partners LLC to provide Speech Language Pathologist services to students for the 2011-12 school year. The amount is not to exceed $45,000.00
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve the contrac with Speech Partners LLC in the amount of $45,000.00
4.B. Change Orders
4.B.1) Denfeld High School
a. Denfeld HS LRFP – CIP Concrete/Foundations/Walks Change Order #14, Bid #1155, (Contract #0331) – Northland Concrete and Masonry Company, LLC Change Order increase to add sidewalk at Public Schools Stadium and install additional miscellaneous sidewalk Add: $5,363.00 b. Denfeld HS LRFP – CIP Concrete/Foundations Change Order #9, Bid #1159, (Contract #0330) – Northland Concrete and Masonry Company, LLC Change Order increase to shore hallway and fire caulk duct work, demo archway and concrete curb work, patch doors, wall and thresholds, provide topping at the kitchen and back charge to bushhammer curled concrete slab at the elevator Add: $8,723.00 c. Denfeld HS LRFP – Structural Steel - Erection Change Order #17, Bid #1159, (Contract #0510) – Red Cedar Steel Erectors, Inc. Change Order increase to weld metal lath at the stair risers Add: $1,615.00 d. Denfeld HS LRFP – Storefront/Windows Change Order #8, Bid #1159, (Contract #0840) – St. Germain’s Glass, Inc. Change Order increase to provide an aluminum tube to conceal wiring, provide removable mullions, and replace the glazing in the window next to the stair with safety glass per code Add: $1,605.00
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change orders as listed above at Denfeld High School reflecting a total increase of $17,306.00.
4.B.2) Eastern (East) High School
a. Eastern HS LRFP – Steel Erection Change Order #12, Bid #1175 (Contract #0510) – Northern Industrial Erectors, Inc. Change Order increase for steel erection back charges to LeJeune Steel and for changes required by City Code Review Add: $8,191.00
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change orders as listed above at Eastern High School (East High School) reflecting a total increase of $8,191.00 |
4.B.3) Eastern Middle School (Ordean East Middle School)
a. Eastern MS LRFP – Concrete Change Order #17, Bid #1165, (WS #2) – Northland Concrete & Masonry Company, LLC Change Order increase to infill the uneven floor in the locker room with 3/8” concrete Add: $3,033.00 b. Eastern MS LRFP – Masonry Change Order #18, Bid #1165, (WS #4) – Harbor City Masonry, Inc Change Order increase to add a stone arch support, build a mortar slope wash, patch and add CMU walls, replace brick and steel in pool area lower bathrooms, revise landing support and for the band room roof alternate Add: $89,612.00 c. Eastern MS LRFP – Steel Erection – Structural and Miscellaneous Metals Change Order #6, Bid #1165, (WS #6) – Northern Industrial Erectors, Inc Change Order increase to install the metal roof deck and lintel Add: $17,108.00 d. Eastern MS LRFP – Carpentry Materials and Installation Change Order #11, Bid #1165, (WS #7) – Lipe Brothers Construction, Inc Change Order increase to install one door, remove locker room tile, demo the ceiling in the entry vestibule and corridor, protect display cases, install LVLs and for additional labor and material for the band room roof alternate carpentry and roof demo Add: $152,145.00 e. Eastern MS LRFP – Carpentry Materials and Installation Change Order #12, Bid #1165, (WS #7) – Lipe Brothers Construction, Inc Change Order increase to demo the existing operable partition wall in the auditorium and credit labor for locker room revisions Add: $816.00 f. Eastern MS LRFP – Asbestos Abatement Change Order #5, Bid #1203 – Mavo Systems, Inc Change Order increase to abate asbestos-containing flooring in the theater and piping in the crawl space beneath the theater floor Add: $4,015.00
Recommendation: It is recommended the School Board approve the change orders as listed above at Eastern Middle School (Ordean East Middle School) reflecting a total increase of $266,729.00.
4.B.4) PLACEHOLDER - for Change Orders Related to the LRFP
4.C. Leases
5. Resolutions
5.A. Resolution B-12-11-2955 - Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds From The General Fund To The Debt Service Fund Regarding Financing of The Long-Range Facilities Plan
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-12-11-2955 - Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds From The General Fund To The Debt Service Fund Regarding Financing of The Long-Range Facilities Plan.
5.B. Resolution B-12-11-2956 - Certified Tax Levy 2011 Payable 2012
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-12-11-2956 - Certified Tax Levy 2011 Payable 2012.
5.C. B-12-11-2957 - Authorized Account Signers
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-12-11-2957 - Authorized Account Signers
5.D. Resolution B-12-11-2954 - to Approve the Joint Powers Collaborative Agreement with the City of Duluth
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Duluth School Board approve Resolution B-12-11-2954 - to Approve the Joint Powers Collaborative Agreement with the City of Duluth.
5.E. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions authorizing the purchase of properties relating to the Long-range Facilities Plan and relocation expenses that apply to these properties
5.F. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions authorizing the sale of properties relating to the Long-range Facilities Plan and relocation expenses that apply to these properties
5.G. PLACEHOLDER - Resolutions for Schematic Designs and Working Drawings related to the LRFP
6. Informational
The items listed below are informational only and do not require board action.
6.A. Expenditure Contracts
Superintendent Foster or the Director of Business Services has signed the following expenditure contracts during the month of November 2011.
6.B. Revenue Contracts-None
6.C. Other Contracts
Superintendent Foster or the Director of Business Services has signed the following contracts at no cost to the District.
6.D. Facilities Management & Capital Project Status Report
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the enclosed report.
6.E. Johnson Controls, Inc. Long-Range Facilities Plan Status Report
Kerry Leider will be present to answer questions regarding the attached report.
6.F. Change Orders Relating to the Long Range Facilities Plan
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the enclosed report.
6.G. Contracts Signed in Relation to the Long Range Facilities Plan
Kerry Leider will be in attendance to answer questions regarding the attached report.
6.H. Truth in Taxation Presentation
There will be a Truth in Taxation presentation prior to public comment at the board meeting on December 20th. |
7. Future Items
7.A. Development of FY12 Budget
7.B. 2012 Legislative Platform (January)