April 1, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Special Called
Agenda |
I. Call To Order
Announcement by the Board President whether a quorum is present and that notice of the meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551 as required by law
II. Regular Business: Consideration, Discussion and Appropriate Action
II.A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for the Construction of the New Elementary School and Authorize the Superintendent to Execute the Contract
Rick Kirkpatrick
The total Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the construction of the new elementary school is $36,129,835.00. This is well above the expected cost of $33,398,594.00 established before the passage of the 2022 bond. The delta between the GMP and the actual cost will either be covered by the proposed 2024 bond or through additional reductions in scope, including changes in materials used in construction, deletion of additional elements currently in the project, or removal of furniture, furnishings and equipment or technology.
II.B. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Rankings of the Proposals for the Miscellaneous Hail Damage Repairs and Replacements at All District Facilities and Authorize the Superintendent to Negotiate and Execute the Contract with the Highest Ranked Proposer, Provided There Are No Material Cost Changes to the Contract Included with te Procurement Package. If a Contract is Unable to be Reached with the Highest Ranked Proposer, the Board of Trustees Authorizes the Superintendent to End Contract Negotiations Formally and in Writing and then Begin Negotiations with the Next Ranked Proposer Until a Satisfactory Contract is Reached.
Rick Kirkpatrick
At the December 2023 Board of Trustees meeting, the Board approved a Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) as the procurement method and authorized the District to issue a Competitive Sealed Proposal. The District publicly released the CSP on March 6, 2024 and received proposals on March 28, 2023. Three proposals were received and a district committee ranked the proposals based on the following published criteria: Price - 60%; Relevant Experience - 20%; Organization, finances, safety record and claims/litigation - 10%; and Experience meeting timelines and budget - 10%.
The CSP included a base proposal and an alternate to get a severe hail rating on the roofs. The budget created by TASB Risk Management was $1,642,831.87 including a $100,000.00 owner contingency.
II.C. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve a Voluntary Annexation Petition to the City of Florence for the New Elementary Parcel and Authorize the Superintendent to Execute the Document
Rick Kirkpatrick
The District needs to annex the entire 20 acres into the city limits of Florence. Currently, the tract is split with a portion in the city limits and a portion outside the city limits.
II.D. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve a Zoning Change Application with the City of Florence
Rick Kirkpatrick
The new elementary school site is currently zoned as Agricultural. This application, when approved, will change the zoning to Institutional.
II.E. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve STEMscopes for the Kindergarten Through Twelfth Grade Science Adoption, Goodheart-Willcox for the Principles of Health Science, Health Science Theory, Medical Terminology, and Anatomy and Physiology Textbook Adoption, and ICEV for the Medical Microbiology Textbook Adoption
Dr. Kelly Avritt
Proclamation 2024 calls for the adoption of K-12 Science instructional materials. A committee convened to review sample materials from 5 different publishers. They selected three publishers to present the digital platform and provide more information on the textbook and accompanying materials. Committee members used a rubric created by Texas Resource Review to review and score the materials. STEMscopes was selected for the K-12 adoption. The course-specific Health Science Textbooks were reviewed using the same rubric. Goodheart-Wilcox was selected for Principles of Health Science, Health Science Theory, Medical Terminology, and Anatomy and Physiology. ICEV was piloted for Medical Microbiology, and it is requested that we continue with this publisher for this adoption.
III. Executive Session
III.A. Personnel Matter; TOMA Governance Code 551.074
Rick Kirkpatrick
IV. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve an Administrative Contract for the 2024-2025 School Year
Rick Kirkpatrick
V. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Professional Contracts for the 2024-2025 School Year
Rick Kirkpatrick
The list of new hires will be provided at the meeting so it is as current as possible (if needed).
VI. Adjournment