November 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
Announcement by the Board President whether a quorum is present and that notice of the meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551 as required by law.
II. Pledges of Allegiance by Anthony DeAugustineo, Board Member
Ed Navarette
II.A. United States Pledge
Anthony DeAugustineo
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
II.B. Texas Pledge
Anthony DeAugustineo
"Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
III. Invocation-By J.T. Atkinson, Board Vice-President
JT Atkinson
IV. Recognitions
Rick Kirkpatrick
V. Public Comment
The Board encourages comments about the district from members of the public. Anyone who has signed up to speak in advance of the meeting in accordance with the Board procedures may do so at this time. The Board asks that each participant's comments pertain to district business and be no longer than 5 minutes. For any member of the public who is accompanied by a translator, your time will be doubled as required by law. Remember that the Board may not discuss or act upon any issues that are not posted on our agenda. In addition, the Board has adopted policies to provide prompt and equitable resolution of complaints and concerns for employees, students or their parents, and the general public. Copies of our district policies and procedures on public comments and filing complaints are available on the district website.
VI. Superintendent Report
VI.A. Presentation of FISD Strategic Plan
Rick Kirkpatrick
VI.B. Bond 2022 Update
Rick Kirkpatrick
VII. Consent Agenda: Consideration, Discussion and Appropriate Action
VII.A. Minutes of October 16, 2023, Regular Meeting
VII.B. Minutes of October 26, 2023, Special Called Meeting
VII.C. Donation
Rick Kirkpatrick
The FISD Education Foundation is donating $6,961.84 for grant awards. The money will be available to the recipient teachers through the regular district purchase process.
VIII. Items Brought Down from Other Agenda Sections for Discussion and Appropriate Action
IX. Regular Business: Consideration, Discussion and Appropriate Action
IX.A. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the FISD Strategic Plan
Rick Kirkpatrick
IX.B. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Summary of the 2023 Tax Rolls for Williamson and Bell County for the Fall Tax Levy
Eric Banfield
IX.C. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve Budget Amendment Number Three
Rick Kirkpatrick/Eric Banfield
IX.D. Consideration and Possible Action to Employ a Teacher on a District of Innovation Local Certification Contract for the Remainder of the 2023-2024 School Year
Rick Kirkpatrick
IX.E. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve a Proposal for Professional Services Agreement for the Miscellaneous Hail Damage Repairs and Replacements at Florence Elementary School, Florence Middle School and Florence High School with O'Connell Robertson
Rick Kirkpatrick
IX.F. Consideration and Possible Action to Cast Votes for the Board of Directors for the Williamson Central Appraisal District
Rick Kirkpatrick
IX.G. Consideration and Possible Action to Purchase Teacher Devices from Insight Public Sector
Eric Banfield
IX.H. Consideration and Possible Action to Adopt Board Policy CKED (LOCAL) and to Amend Board Policy GKA (LOCAL)
Rick Kirkpatrick
X. Reports (no board action required)
X.A. Finance Reports
X.B. Enrollment/Attendance Report
X.C. Campus Reports
XI. Items for Future Board Meetings
XII. Executive Session
Rick Kirkpatrick
XIII. Action Taken from Closed Session
XIII.A. Consideration and Possible Action to Authorize Licensed Individuals as Discussed in Closed Session to Carry Firearms at Specified Locations
Rick Kirkpatrick
XIV. Adjournment