February 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Declare a Quorum
3. Public Forum
4. Invocation
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Consent Agenda:
6.A. Approval of Minutes
6.B. Financial Reports
7. Superintendent Report
7.A. Transportation Report
7.B. Rental Update
7.C. Discussion and possible action on the recommended 2024-2025 school calendar
7.D. Discussion and possible action on Lakeshore IT Solution E-Rate contract.
7.E. Discussion and possible action on the Royal Architectural Classroom Door Quote
7.F. Discussion and possible action on the roof repair quotes.
8. Principal Report
8.A. Attendance
8.B. Activity Calendar
9. Superintendent Evaluation
10. Executive Session - Personnel 551.074 and 551.071 Standard Procedures - The School Board and Superintendent will convene and may obtain legal advice in closed sessions.
10.A. Personnel
11. Consider action on matters discussed in closed session.
12. New Business
13. Adjourn