May 6, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Board Reorganization
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
This is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.
2. Roll Call
3. Public Notice
This meeting was noticed by posting at the District Office (Door #7) and at Entrance #19, and was published on the District's website.
4. Board Reorganization
School board members Gary Beck and Dennis Purtell, who were elected at the spring election of April 2, 2024, officially took office on the fourth Monday in April.
4.A. Election of Board Officers
Section 120.05(1)(c) of the WI State Statutes notes that in the case of a school board with more than 3 members, the school board shall annually elect a school district president, vice president, treasurer, and clerk from among its members at a school board meeting held on or within 30 days after the 4th Monday in April. The election of board officers can be made by a verbal vote or by paper ballot. The 2023-24 board officers were: President - Schoenfeld; Vice President - Purtell; Treasurer - Santaga; Clerk - Schwartz; Director - Datka.
4.B. Board Committee Assignments
Annually, the Board President assigns board members to the various existing committees. Board members may wish to discuss the committee assignments. The District recommends the removal of the Athletic Code of Appeals committee as a board member was not utilized in the past four years, and a replacement would more readily be available at the building level.
The previous committee assignments for the 2023-24 school year were as follows. - Building and Grounds: Schoenfeld, Schwartz
- Finance: Santaga, Schwartz - Personnel: Purtell, Schoenfeld - Athletic Code of Appeals: Datka, Santaga - Curriculum and Policy: Datka, Purtell |
4.C. Board Representative - CESA 2 Delegate Convention (June, 2024)
Annually, the Board is required by statute to appoint a member as its representative at the annual CESA 2 Delegate Convention held in June. The 2024 meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 18 in the conference room of the Whitewater Innovation Center in Whitewater, WI.
4.D. 2024-2025 Board Meeting Dates
Board Policy 0164.1 Regular Meetings states that the Board shall hold a meeting at least once each month on a date and at a time and place determined annually by a resolution of the Board. Attached is a list of proposed board meeting dates for the upcoming school year, which follows the established schedule of the fourth Monday each month with a few exceptions to avoid conflicts with holidays and spring break.
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Staffing Updates
5.A.(1) WEC Reduction in FTE - Michelle Rush, Occupational Therapist Assistant
Mike Rosandich, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services, determined that the Waterford Education Cooperative will have a reduction in occupational therapy services for the 2024-25 school year.
5.A.(2) Resignation - Holly Christianson, English Teacher (Retirement)
5.A.(3) Resignation - Michael Tsuchihashi, Family & Consumer Sciences (1.0 FTE)
5.A.(4) Resignation - Elizabeth Mahnke, Special Education Teacher
5.A.(5) Resignation - Lana Walton, Attendance/Substitute Coordinator
5.A.(6) New Hire - Skyler Bohn, School Psychologist (1.0 FTE)
5.B. Open Enrollment Applications 2024-25 SY
The open enrollment window for the 2024-25 school year has ended. There are double the number of open enrollment "in" applications (55), and 11 applications "out".
6. Adjourn from Open Meeting