April 22, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
3. Consideration of Agenda
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the agenda as presented. |
4. Visitor Comments/Public Forum
4.1. Tiger Pride - We Are Proud Of and/or Would Like to Recognize...
5. Presentations
5.1. Jeanine Bowman - Food Service Update
6. Celebrate and Recognize Good News, Gifts, and Donations
6.1. Recognize and accept donations from various individuals and groups
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Resolution For Acceptance of Gifts.
Recommended motion to approve the Resolution For Acceptance of Gifts. (roll call vote)
7. Approve Consent Agenda
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Consent Agenda. |
7.1. Finances
7.1.1. Review and approve claims, accounts, and financial information
7.2. Meeting Minutes
7.2.1. March 18, 2024 regular meeting
7.2.2. April 17, 2024 special meeting
7.3. Personnel
7.3.1. Approve resignation from Maria Roman Centeno, Paraeducator
7.3.2. Approve resignation from Mikayla Myers, Paraeducator
7.3.3. Approve resignation from Esmeralda Pena Pelaez, Food Service
7.3.4. Approve resignation from Dalton Koehler, Paraeducator
7.3.5. Approve resignation from Jeremiah Thompson, Custodian
7.3.6. Approve resignation from Britta Koehl, Paraeducator
7.3.7. Approve resignation from Nicole Schmidgall, Elementary Teacher, at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
7.3.8. Approve resignation from Matt Huot, Elementary Teacher. at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
7.3.9. Approve Family Medical Leave for Brooke Viss, Community Education Office Manager, starting approximately June 25, 2024 for 12 weeks.
7.3.10. Approve Jada Rogers, Title I Paraeducator, starting in the 2024-25 school year.
7.3.11. Approve Scott Turnbull, Activities Director/Dean of Students
7.3.12. Approve Celeste Rapp, English Teacher, starting in the 2024-2025 school year.
7.3.13. Approve coaches and volunteers
7.4. Routine Business
7.4.1. Authorize seeking bids on dairy products.
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
9. Review Management and Administrative Reports
9.1. Blake Karas, Activities Director/Dean of Students
9.2. Tony Reimers, Community Education Director
9.3. Eric Ose, Elementary Principal
9.4. Bill Kehoe, High School Principal
9.5. Shane Monson, Superintendent
9.6. Student Council Report
10. School Board Reports
10.1. MSHSL/Activities/Athletics/Athletic Facilities/Schedule C (Odello)
10.2. Regional Fitness Center (Ekren)
10.3. Wellness (Johnson)
10.4. Personnel/Meet & Confer (Goodnough/Ekren/Konz)
Non-Licensed (Johnson/Just/Odello) Licensed (Wulf/Konz) |
10.5. Finance/Facilities Committee (Konz/Wulf/Johnson)
10.6. Curriculum/Policy/Strategic Planning Committee (Goodnough/Just/Odello)
10.7. Midwest Special Education Cooperative (Goodnough)
10.8. Community Education (Just)
10.9. District World's Best Workforce Advisory (Wulf/Just)
11. Consider Previous Business
11.1. Policy Review - Second Reading
ACTION Any recommended changes are shown since the last reading. Recommended motion to approve the second and final reading of these policies as presented. |
11.1.1. #410 - Family and Medical Leave
11.1.2. #412 - Expense Reimbursement
11.1.3. #413 - Harassment and Violence
12. Consider New Business
12.1. Policy Review - First Reading
INFORMATION/DISCUSSION All of these policies are in place and being reviewed as part of the normal policy review cycle. Any recommended changes are shown. No action necessary; other than to recognize the first reading of these policies as presented. |
12.1.1. #414 - Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse
12.1.2. #415 - Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
12.1.3. #416 - Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing
12.2. FY2025-2026 School Calendar
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the FY2025-2026 School Calendar.
12.3. Approve Master Agreement with the Morris Principals' Group for the 2023-2025 school years.
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Master Agreement with the Morris Principals' Group for the 2023-2025 school years as recommended by the Licensed Negotiations Committee.
12.4. Community Education Director Contract
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the 2023-2025 Community Education Director Contract as recommended by the Licensed Negotiations Committee.
13. Other Items Deemed Appropriate by the Board
13.1. School Board Calendar Review
May 20 -- School Board Meeting, 5:30 pm - HS Media Center
May 24 - last day of classes and Graduation |
14. Adjournment