December 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
3. Consideration of Agenda
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the agenda as presented. |
4. Presentations
4.1. Board Recognition - Superintendent Monson
5. Celebrate and Recognize Good News, Gifts, and Donations
5.1. Recognize and accept donations from various individuals and groups
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Resolution For Acceptance of Gifts.
Recommended motion to approve the Resolution For Acceptance of Gifts. (roll call vote)
6. Approve Consent Agenda
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Consent Agenda. |
6.1. Finances
6.1.1. Review and approve claims, accounts, and financial information
6.2. Meeting Minutes
6.2.1. November 18, 2024 minutes
6.3. Personnel
6.3.1. Accept resignation from Jim Greenwaldt, Teacher, effective May 30, 2025, with appreciation for his years of service.
6.3.2. Accept resignation from Britney House, Senior High Knowledge Bowl Advisor
6.3.3. Approve resignation from Mira McCallum, Boys Diving Coach
6.3.4. Approve Kristine Liljenquist, Senior High Knowledge Bowl Advisor
6.3.5. Approve Soren Prose, Custodian
6.3.6. Approve Matt Carlson, Custodian
6.3.7. Approve Joel Kenyon, Van Driver
6.3.8. Approve Landon Wagner, Paraeducator
6.3.9. Approve Montserrat Arias Galvan, Special Education Paraeducator at 6.5 hours/day
6.3.10. Approve Madison Carrington, ELL Long-Term Substitute Teacher, for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year.
6.4. Routine Business
6.4.1. Approve 2025 Community Education Pay Rates
6.4.2. Approve 2024-2025 Morris Area Teachers' Association Seniority List
6.4.3. Approve 2024-2025 Early Childhood Family Education Seniority List
6.4.4. Approve 2024-2025 Transportation Seniority List
6.4.5. Approve 2024-2025 Paraeducator Seniority List
6.4.6. Extended Trip Request Form - Mock Trial
7. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
8. Review Management and Administrative Reports
8.1. Scott Turnbull, Activities Director/Dean of Students
8.2. Tony Reimers, Community Education Director
8.3. Eric Ose, Elementary Principal
8.4. Bill Kehoe, High School Principal
8.5. Shane Monson, Superintendent
9. School Board Reports
9.1. MSHSL/Activities/Athletics/Athletic Facilities/Schedule C (formerly Odello)
9.2. Regional Fitness Center (Ekren)
9.3. Wellness (Johnson)
9.4. Personnel/Meet & Confer (Goodnough/Ekren/Konz)
Non-Licensed (Johnson/Just) Licensed (Wulf/Konz) |
9.5. Finance/Facilities Committee (Konz/Wulf/Johnson)
9.6. Curriculum/Policy/Strategic Planning Committee (Goodnough/Just)
9.7. Midwest Special Education Cooperative (Goodnough)
9.8. Community Education (Just)
9.9. Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness (Wulf/Just)
10. Consider Previous Business
10.1. Policy Review - Second Reading
ACTION Any recommended changes are shown since the last reading. Recommended motion to approve the second and final reading of these policies as presented. |
10.1.1. 504 - Student Dress and Appearance
10.1.2. 505 - Distribution of NonSchool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises By Students and Employees
10.1.3. 506 - Student Discipline
10.1.4. 524 - Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy
11. Consider New Business
11.1. Policy Review - First Reading
INFORMATION/DISCUSSION All of these policies are in place and being reviewed as part of the normal policy review cycle. Any recommended changes are shown. No action necessary; other than to recognize the first reading of these policies as presented. |
11.1.1. 507 - Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint
11.1.2. 508 - Extended School Year For Certain Students With Individualized Education Programs
11.1.3. 509 - Enrollment of Nonresident Students
11.1.4. 510 - School Activities
11.1.5. 510.1 - Student Clubs
11.2. Speech Therapy Services
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the contract for Virtual Speech Therapy Services with EASE Therapy.
11.3. Resolution Relating to the Election of School Board Members and Calling the School District Special Election
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Resolution Relating to the Election of School Board Members and Calling the School District Special Election.
11.4. Resolution Establishing Dates For Filing Affidavits of Candidacy
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Resolution Establishing Dates for Filing Affidavits of Candidacy.
11.5. Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places For Multiple Precincts and Designating Hours During Which the Polling Places Will Remain Open For Voting For School District Elections Not Held On The Day of A Statewide Election.
11.6. MSBA Policy Updates
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the MSBA Technical and Substantive Updates as recommended by the Policy Committee.
12. Other Items Deemed Appropriate by the Board
12.1. School Board Calendar Review
December 20 -- 12:30 pm Early Dismissal December 23 - January 1, 2025 -- No School January 6 -- School Board Organizational Meeting, 5:30 pm - HS Media Center January 21 -- School Board Meeting, 5:30 pm - HS Media Center |
13. Truth In Taxation Power Point - Jeannie Maanum, Finance Manager
Approve and Certify the Final 2024 Pay 2025 Levy in the amount of $5,247,748.69. ACTION Recommended motion to approve and certify the Final 2024 Pay 2025 Levy in the amount of $5,247,748.69.
14. Adjournment