November 13, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order (Mayor Medlin)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (Mayor Medlin)
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda (Mayor Medlin)
IV.A. Consider October 9, 2018 BOC Meeting Minutes
IV.B. Consider update on Reserve Account
V. Public Comment (Mayor Medlin)
V.A. Individuals wishing to address the Board are asked to provide their name and address for the record.
VI. Department Reports
VI.A. Written Reports
VI.B. Large Project Status Updates (Matt Zapp)
VI.B.1. $80,000 NC Emergency repair grant (backflow check valve project)
VI.B.1.a. Project scope and bid documents are in progress with area contractors
VI.B.1.b. The project was awarded to ELJ, Inc. at the BOC meeting on Nov 14, 2017.
VI.B.1.c. Construction to occur June - August of 2018
VI.B.1.d. Project is at 95% completion
VI.B.2. $150,000 AIA sanitary sewer system assessment grant
VI.B.2.a. Council action was taken on 10/26/17 approving The Wooten Company to administer the grant.
VI.B.2.b. A local match of $22,500 was included in the FY 17/18 Water & Sewer budget
VI.B.2.c. Total project cost is $172,500
VI.B.2.d. Work has begun; expected deliverable should be in hand July-Aug 2018.
VI.B.2.e. Project is at 90% completion
VI.B.3. $875,000 NC 16 Funds to perform sanitary sewer I & I repairs
VI.B.3.a. Work can begin upon the completion of the AIA study (summer 2018).
VI.B.3.b. Immediate and emergency repairs are underway throughout the town.
VI.B.4. $960,000 FEMA funding for the WWTP repairs
VI.B.4.a. Construction work is being bid and will begin with Council approval(s).
VI.B.4.b. The WWTP concrete apron replacement of $37,000 is complete.
VI.B.4.c. The WWTP asphalt roadway replacement is complete.
VI.B.4.d. On 7/31/18 FEMA and NC Emergency Services release Benson to continue work at the plant up to $960,000
VI.B.5. Golden Leaf Grant application of $565,187 to repair storm water failures during Hurricane Matthew
VI.B.5.a. Application approved 10/5/17
VI.B.5.b. Hood lot, NAPA, Bostic Property, etc.
VI.B.5.c. Easements are being secured
VI.B.5.d. MRA was approved on 11/30/17 to design repairs at the Hood lot; design is underway.
VI.B.6. Golden Leaf Grant application of $500,000 to replace the Public Works department building
VI.B.6.a. Application approved 10/5/17
VI.B.6.b. The roof replacement is nearly complete.
VI.B.6.c. Benson should select a General Contractor and commence additional work in Q3/4 of 2018.
VII. Public Hearing (Mayor Medlin)
VII.A. SD-2018-03: Subdivision preliminary plat consisting of 5.44 acres divided into 12 lots at S. Lincoln St. and S. McLamb St. located within the corporate limits. Tax ID: 01E09090. Property Owner: C.N. Bostic Jr.
VIII. Old Business (Mayor Medlin)
IX. New Business (Mayor Medlin)
IX.A. Sewer Asset Management Plan Presentation (Brian Johnson, The Wooten Company)
IX.A.1. Proposed NC 16 Funds Utilization (Tim Robbins)
IX.B. Presentation of JoCo Site Ready Certification for 80-acre tract owned by Mr. Luby Wood (Chris Johnson, Johnston County Economic Development)
IX.C. Consider authorization to expend up to $35,000 from the Library Reserve account to replace bookshelves and furniture in the library children's department (Terry Hobgood)
IX.C.1. Library Reserve Fund Balance $41,415.13
IX.D. Presentation related to Johnston County Grant to fund School Resource Officers via the Benson PD at Benson Elementary and Benson Middle Schools. (Cpt. Percy)
IX.D.1. 2 year grant at $48,000 per year with no local match.
IX.E. Consider September 2018 Financials (Kim Pickett)
IX.F.1. Budget Amendment 4: Increase resurfacing line item to account for Street Paving 2018 contract with Johnson Brothers Utility, approved at the October 9 Board Meeting
IX.F.2. Budget Amendment 5: Increase Fund 10 Revenues and M/R Buildings to account for insurance proceeds due to Hurricane Florence
IX.F.3. Budget Amendment 6: Increase Fund 11 Revenues and M/R Buildings to account for VFIS Insurance proceeds due to Hurricane Florence and a lightening strike prior to the hurricane
IX.F.4. Budget Amendment 7: Increase in Fund 30 Revenues and M/R Buildings & M/R Equipment for FEMA reimbursement from Hurricane Matthew
IX.G. Consider approval of Community Park Improvements Project Ordinance (Kim Pickett)
IX.H. Purchase Order Approval above $10,000
IX.H.1. Authorization to engage with Hauch Design to provide Architect Design Services for the new Public Works Building at a cost not to exceed $19,000.
IX.H.1.a. This is fully funded from the Golden Leaf Grant of $500,000 awarded on 10/5/17.
IX.I. Consider approval of expanded Comprehensive Transportation study by Ramey, Kemp, and Associates to study area east of I-95 at a cost of $12,000. (Matt Zapp)
IX.I.1. Board approval for original scope of work at a cost of $45,000 at the October 9, 2018 meeting.
IX.J. Storm Drain Repair in Eastwood Subdivision, McLamb Property (Matt Zapp)
IX.K. Mule Days Recap (Matt Zapp)
IX.L. Update on Main Street Utility Replacement (Matt Zapp)
X. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
X.A. Town related events and meeting reminders:
X.A.1. November 22 - 23 -- All Non-Emergency Town Facilities Closed for Thanksgiving
X.A.2. December 7 -- Christmas on Main 6 PM
X.A.3. December 11 -- Comprehensive Transportation Study Public Input Meeting 4 PM - 7 PM
X.A.4. December 11 -- BOC Regular Meeting 7 PM
X.A.5. December 13 -- Town Christmas Party 6 PM
X.A.6. December 24 - 26 -- All Non-Emergency Town Facilities Closed for Christmas
XI. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
XII. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
XIII. Mayor Report (Mayor Medlin)
XIV. Closed Session
XIV.A. GS 143-318.11 (a) (6): to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee. General personnel policy issues may not be considered in a closed session. A public body may not consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, appointment, or removal of a member of the public body or another body and may not consider or fill a vacancy among its own membership except in an open meeting. Final action making an appointment or discharge or removal by a public body having final authority for the appointment or discharge or removal shall be taken in an open meeting.
XV. Information Only
XVI. Adjourn the Meeting (Mayor Medlin)