January 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Call to Order
III. Pledge
IV. Communications
IV.A. D91 Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
IV.B. D91 Foundation
IV.C. D91 Parent Athletic Association (PAA)
IV.D. Invitation to Address the Board of Education
Per Policy 2:230 - Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
During each regular and special open meeting of the Board, any person may comment to or ask questions of the School Board (public participation), subject to the reasonable constraints established and recorded in this policy’s guidelines below. The Board listens to comments or questions during public participation; responses to comments to or questions of the Board are most often managed through policy 3:30, Chain of Command. To preserve sufficient time for the Board to conduct its business, any person appearing before the Board is expected to follow these guidelines:
V. Student Recognition
We will be recognizing the KG students of the month, KG Student Council, and MG first-grade student representatives. |
VI. Approval of Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda is a list of routine non-controversial items, which do not require further discussion and which are approved with one motion and one roll call vote. It is an effective procedure to handle routine matters on the agenda expeditiously. All consent items shall be listed with an asterisk(*) and will be enacted with one motion. However, any member of the Board of Education may request that an item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda and discussed in its regular order. |
VI.A. Approval of Minutes *
VI.B. Approval of Financial Reports
VI.B.1. Payment of Bills (online)*
VI.B.2. Monthly Financial Reports (on-line)*
VI.B.3. Activity Accounts*
VI.B.4. Treasurer's Report*
VI.B.5. Investment Report*
VI.B.6. Flexible Spending Account*
VI.C. FOIA Report *
We have not received any requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act since the December 2023 meeting of the Board of Education.
VI.D. Suspension Report *
Attached is the suspension report for Kelvin Grove for December 2023. There were no suspensions at Milne Grove for December 2023.
VII. Board Reports/Discussion Items
VII.A. Committee of the Whole Update
The Committee of the Whole will meet on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 5:45 pm in the Kelvin Grove LRC. The agenda discussion items are listed below. All members are invited to attend the meeting. Committee Discussion Items
Information discussed at the meeting will be reviewed by the full board during the Board reports/discussion items portion of the meeting on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing all board members who can attend on Tuesday at 5:45pm at the KG LRC. |
VII.B. Draft of 2024-2025 School Calendar
Tuesday evening, we would like to discuss the 2024-2025 school calendar. There are currently five options that have been presented to the D91 Teacher’s Association for feedback. We will not have final feedback for the meeting on Tuesday evening, but I can provide initial comments. This school calendar is very similar to the current school calendar and both winter and spring break holidays align with the high school draft calendar being presented for consideration with their BOE. After the January discussion, we will plan to have the calendar hearing and have the Board officially approve the calendar in February if a final draft is selected before then. If not, we will hold the calendar hearing in March. Once the calendar is approved, we will release it to our D91 families. |
VII.C. Triple I Conference Reports - Continued
This item has been included on the agenda for those who attended the Triple I conference and did not get a chance to share any information at the December board meeting about the sessions they attended with the other members during the meeting on Tuesday.
VIII. Reports of the Superintendent
VIII.A. Completed Winter Break Projects
On Tuesday evening, we will be available to answer any questions you might have regarding the winter break projects that were completed. Attached is a list of the work that was done.
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Approve Second Read of Policies
Recommendation: To adopt the updated/revised/new policies below as discussed during the first reading at the December 2024 general meeting and discussed at the Board Committee of the Whole meeting at 5:45 pm on January 9th before the regular board meeting. |
IX.B. Kelvin Grove Gymnasium Floor Refinishing
RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Kelvin Grove Gym Floor Refinishing during the summer of 2024 BACKGROUND: Attached you will find information from Mr. Pierson regarding the quotes received for refinishing the gym floors as well as copies of the quotes. Based on that information, it is my recommendation that the Board of Education approve the gym floor refinishing for an amount of $3,750. |
IX.C. Accept Donations
RECOMMENDATION Accept the donations that were made to District 91 since the December board meeting. BACKGROUND There were two donations by different donors to help support our Kelvin Grove students. The first was 3 boxes of 150-count Amazon Basics brand pencils for Ms. Detman’s classroom that have been donated by the We The Parents Illinois 403c charity organization. The second was a donation made to the KG LRC with a few holiday books to be added to our library. Please see detailed information on the second donation in the attachment provided to the board. |
IX.D. Personnel Report
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X. Informational Items
X.A. Upcoming Dates
XI. Closed Session
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. [1] However, a meeting to consider an increase in compensation to a specific employee of a public body that is subject to the Local Government Wage Increase Transparency Act may not be closed and shall be open to the public and posted and held in accordance the [the Open Meetings Act]. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 99-646
XII. Adjournment