April 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Opening of Meeting
3. Members Present
4. Recognitions
4.A. April Students of the Month
Eric Sivula-Elementary Nora Ramirez-Coronilla-Middle School Tucker Bozard-High School |
5. Reading Acceleration Program Report and Student Presentation
6. Open Forum
No presentation shall exceed five minutes. (Local Policy BED) If, during the open forum period, a member of the public asks a question about an item not listed on the public agenda, the board or any of its members may respond by providing specific factual information or a recitation of existing policy, but members may not discuss or deliberate the question. Texas Government Code 551.042 |
7. Administrative Reports:
7.A. Support Services - Preston Lindsey
7.A.1. Facilities Update
7.B. Finance - Lisa White
7.B.1. Cash and Investments
7.B.2. Tax Collections
7.B.3. Check Register
7.B.4. Quarterly Reports
7.B.5. Budget Planning Calendar
7.C. Athletics - Sam Wells
Written Report
Written Report at Meeting
8. Superintendent's Discussion Items
Personnel, Facilities, Legal Issues, Curriculum, District Finances, Student Discipline Issues, Board Goals, Extracurricular Information
9. Announcement of Trustees' Continuing Education Hours as Required by the Texas Education Code
Shane Jasper
10. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution to Nominate Superintendent Tammy Jones for the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Superintendent of the Year
11. Consent Agenda:
11.A. Approval of Minutes of March 4, 2024 Regular Meeting
11.B. Approval of Revenue
11.C. Approval of Expenditures
11.D. Approval of Purchase Orders Greater than $50,000, if Necessary
11.E. Approval of Budget Amendments
11.F. Approval of 2024-2025 Allotment and TEKS Certification
11.G. Approval of the 2024-2025 Athletic and Student Accident Insurance
12. Executive Session:
Consultation with Board's Attorney, 551.071; Discussion of Real Property, 551.072; Personnel Matters, 551.074; Safety and Security Measures 551.075, 551.076 |
12.A. New Hires
551.074 |
12.B. Discuss Personnel
551.071; 551.074 |
12.C. Discuss Safety and Security Measures
551.075; 551.076 |
13. Results of Executive Session
13.A. Possible Action on New Hires
13.B. Possible Action on Personnel
13.C. No Action to be Taken on Safety and Security Measures
14. Adjourn