April 15, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. General Business
I.A. Call to order
Board President Regina Schinker called the meeting to order at .....in the middle/high school library.
I.B. Roll Call
Members present: Roger Cupp, Norma Switalski, Jesse King, Sonya Moyle, Regina Schinker, DyAnn Steinberger and Bob Stuart
I.C. The Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Approval of Minutes and Closed Session Minutes from March 11, 2024, Bills & Receipts and Financial Report
Motion was made by...., seconded by..., to approve the...... Motion carried, 0 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
II. Communication
II.A. Oral
II.B. Written
II.B.1) Thank you from the V Foundation for Cancer Research
III. Consent Agenda
A member of the Board may request any item to be removed from the consent resolution and defer it for a specific action and more discussion. No vote of the Board will be required to remove an item from the consent agenda. A single member's request shall cause it to be relocated as an action item eligible for discussion. Any item on the consent agenda may be removed and discussed as a non-action item or be deferred for further study and discussion at a subsequent Board meeting if the Superintendent or any Board member thinks the item requires further discussion. |
III.A. Approval of Wendee Wendt as Jr High Baseball Coach
III.B. Approval of resignation of Lee "Buzz" Griffith and Jennifer Griffith as Varsity Girls Basketball Co-Head Coaches
III.C. Approval of resignation of Danny Schragg, Varsity Boys Basketball Head Coach
III.D. Approval of Resignation of Leasa Griffith-Mathews, Girls JV Basketball Head Coach
IV. Reports
IV.A. Athletic Report - Glen Samson
IV.B. Elementary Report - Angie Crotser
IV.C. Middle/High School Report - Robert Kretschman
IV.D. Superintendents Report
IV.D.1) Bond Renewal Update
IV.D.2) Legislative Update
V. Discussion Items
V.A. 2024-2025 School Calendar
V.B. New work truck
V.C. NEOLA Volume 38 Number 2 - Second Reading
V.D. Triangle HVAC Elementary Upgrades
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Approval of 2024-2025 School Calendar
VI.B. Approval of NEOLA Volume 38 Number 2
VI.C. Approval of Triangle Elementary HVAC Upgrades
VII. Adjournment