March 18, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. General Business
I.A. Call to order
Board President Roger Cupp called the meeting to order at the middle/high school library.
I.B. Roll Call
Members present: Chris Ames, Dune Batten, Roger Cupp, Shane Griffith, Keith Heitkamp, Regina Schinker and Linda Thompson
I.C. Approval of Minutes, Financial Report, Bills and Receipts
Motion was made by...., seconded by..., to approve the...... Motion carried, 0 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent
II. Communication
II.A. Oral
II.B. Written
II.B.1) NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress)
Certificate of Appreciation |
III. Reports
III.A. Elementary Report – Brandon Wenzel
III.B. MS/HS Report – Marc Kramer
III.C. Athletic Report – Leasa Griffith/Glen Samson
III.D. Superintendent Report – Rob Kuhlman
III.E. MEAP Results - Brandon Wenzel
IV. Discussion of Items
IV.A. 2012-2013 General Fund/Food Service Budget Amendment
V. Action Items
V.A. Approval of NEOLA - 2nd Reading - Best Practice
2623 - Student Assessment (Revised) 2271 - Post Secondary (Dual) Enrollment Options Program (Revised) 2370.01 Virtual Learning (New) 5460 Graduation Requirement (Revised) 2280 - Physical Education 2417 - Comprehensive Health Requirement (Revised) |
V.B. Approval of Best Practice Resolution
V.C. Approval to hire Tower, Pinkster, Titus as architectural firm
V.D. Approval of 2012-2013 General Fund/Food Service Budget Amendment
V.E. Approval of resignation of Nancy Cook - Food Service
V.F. Approval of Spring Coaching Volunteers
V.G. Closed Session - Superintendent Evaluation