April 17, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Signature of Notification
2. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call, Welcome Visitors
2.1. Acknowledge Open Meetings Law
2.2. Notice of this meeting was published in the Gering Courier on April 13, 2017.
3. Excuse Absent Board Members
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Approval of Agenda/Amendment of Agenda Items
4.2. Minutes From Previous Board Meeting
4.3. Approval of Claims/Bills
4.4. First Reading of Board Policies
4.4.i. 503.1 Compulsory Attendance
4.4.ii. 503.2 Student Attendance Records
4.4.iii. 503.3 Student Absences Excused
4.4.iv. 503.4 Addressing Barriers to Attendance
4.4.v. 503.5 Student Release During School Hours
4.4.vi. 503.6 Students of Legal Age
4.4.vii. 503.7 Pregnant Students
4.4.viii. 503.8 Married Students or Students with Children
4.4.ix. 503.10 Home Schooling - Reintegration
4.5. Second Reading of Board Policies
4.5.i. 501 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students
4.5.ii. 502.1 Resident Students
4.5.iii. 502.2 NonResident Students Option Enrollment
4.5.iv. 502.3 Entrance Admissions
4.5.v. 502.4 Attendance Center Assignment
4.5.vi. 502.5 Students Transfers In
4.5.vii. 502.6 Student Transfers Out or Withdrawls
4.5.viii. 502.7 Student ReEntry to School
4.5.ix. 502.8 Exchange and Foreign Student Admissions
4.5.x. 502.10 Assignment of New Students to Classes and Grade Levels
4.5.xi. 502.11 Assignment of Continuing Students to Class
4.6. Personnel Items
4.6.i. Contract Approvals
4.6.i.1. Angela Morris- Elementary Principal
4.6.i.2. Lacey Farrington - School Psychologist
4.6.i.3. Amy Meyer - Special Education Teacher @ Junior High
4.6.i.4. Brittany Cooper - Spanish @ High School
4.6.i.5. Blair McDonald- Science @ Junior High School
4.6.ii. Resignations
5. Patron Comments
6. Reports and Discussions
6.1. Curriculum Committee Report
6.2. Facilities Committee Report
6.3. Business Committee Report
6.3.i. Trial Balance Summary
6.3.ii. Fund Balances
6.3.iii. Schedule of Investments
6.3.iv. Financial Statements
6.4. Superintendent's Report
7. Action Items
7.1. Discuss, consider and take all necessary action related to the continuing operation of Cedar Canyon Elementary
7.2. Discuss, consider and take all necessary action with regard to the appointment of a Construction Management at Risk (CM@R) Selection Committee as required by, and in conformance with, the Political Subdivisions Construction Alternatives Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. ยงยง 13-2901
8. Tentative Committee and Meeting Dates
9. Board Comments
10. Adjourn