July 22, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Friday, July 19, 2024 at 12:00p.m.
Public Notice |
1. Regular Board Meeting Called to Order
2. Roll Call/Establish Quorum
2.A. An announcement that this meeting of the Alice Independent School District has been duly called and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code.
3. Pledge to the United States Flag and Texas Flag. Moment of Silence.
4. Recommend Approving the Board Meeting Minutes
4.A. Minutes-Facility Workshop February 7, 2024
4.B. Minutes-Regular Board Meeting June 10, 2024
4.C. Minutes-Budget Workshop June 17, 2024
5. Public Comment: Audience participation at a Board meeting is limited to the portion of the meeting designated to receive public comment in accordance with board policy BED(Local). At all other times during a Board meeting, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board, unless requested by the presiding officer. If the speaker is seeking Board resolution of a specific complaint, that concern should be addressed through the District’s grievance policy. At regular Board meetings, the Board shall permit public comment, regardless of whether the topic is an item on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting. Public comment shall occur at the beginning of the meeting. Individuals who wish to participate during the portion of the meeting designated for public comment shall sign up with the presiding officer or designee before the meeting begins as specified in the Board’s procedures on public comment and shall indicate the agenda item or topic on which they wish to address the Board. Except as permitted by Board policy BED(Local) and the Board’s procedures on public comment, an individual’s comments to the Board shall not exceed five minutes per meeting. When necessary for effective meeting management or to accommodate large numbers of individuals wishing to address the Board, the presiding officer may adjust public comment procedures in accordance with BED(Local), including establishing an overall time limit for public comment and adjusting the time allotted to each speaker. However, no individual shall be given less than one minute to make comments.
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Presentation Miscellaneous
6.B. Presentations and Academic Updates
6.B.1. Academic Update
6.B.1.a. Section 504/Special Education/Dyslexia Update
6.C. Presentation and Safety & Student Services
6.D. Presentation and Business Updates
6.D.1. Alice ISD Business Report
6.D.1.a. Budget Revenue and Expenses Ending June 30,2024
6.E. Presentation and Updates Regarding Ongoing Facilities Projects
6.E.1. Alice ISD Maintenance & Operations Report July 2024
6.E.2. 2024 Bond Project Update - New Stadium Schematic Design
6.F. Presentations and Fine Arts Updates
6.F.1. Fine Arts Update July 2024
6.G. Presentation and Athletic Updates
6.G.1. Athletic Update July 2024
7. Consent Agenda: All items under the Consent Agenda are acted upon by one motion. Upon a Board Member's request, any item on the Consent Agenda shall be moved to the Action portion of the regular agenda.
7.A. Recommend Approval of the Following General Fund Item(s)
7.A.1. Reading Academies 2024-2025 - $60,000
7.B. Recommend Approval of the Following Grant Fund Item(s)
7.B.1. Security Cameras for Alice High School: Safety and Facilities Enhancement Grant Cycle 2 - $165,537.80
7.B.2. Recommned the Purchase of Carnegie Learning Math Curriculum & MATHia Grades 9 - Algebra II $58,940.32
7.C. Recommend Approval of the Following Capital Project(s)
7.C.1. WAMS Security Upgrades and Entry Canopy: Barcom Pay Application # 2 - $35,937.55
7.C.2. WAMS Security Upgrades and Entry Canopy: Barcom - Pay Application #3 - $247,369.61
7.C.3. Final Payment Secure Vestibules Project: DLF Two, Inc. - Pay Application #08 - $18,203.17
7.C.4. WAMS Projects: Turner Ramirez Architects - $7,995.18
7.C.5. New Stadium and AHS Softball Field: MEG Engineers - $78,000.00
8. Action Items
8.A. Recommend the Approval to Remove the Sick Leave Bank from Policy DEC and Allow the District to Return Those Days to the Employees Who Contributed
8.B. Recommend Approval of the Construction Manager-at-Risk as the Project Delivery Method for the 2024 Bond Projects in Alice Independent School District
8.C. Recommend Approval of the Evaluation Criteria Listed as Presented for the Construction Manager-at-Risk for the 2024 Bond Projects in Alice Independent School District.
8.D. Consideration and Possible Action on the Agreement with Community Action Corporation of South Texas for the Leasing of Mary R. Garcia
8.E. Consideration and Possible Action to Request the Additional Day School Year Waiver
8.F. Consideration and Possible Action to Amend the 2024-2025 William Adams Middle School Course Listing Guide
8.G. Consideration and Possible Action of Resolution to Pay Employees for District Closures: Tropical Storm Alberto and Hurricane Beryl
8.H. Consideration and Possible Action of TASB Board Policy Update 123
8.I. Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the MOU Between Alice ISD and Texas A&M University - Kingsville
8.J. Consideration and Possible Action on the 2024-2025 Cost-Sharing Agreement Between Alice ISD and Education to Employment (E2E) for the Continuation of the Postsecondary Success Program for AHS Seniors
8.K. Consideration and Possible Action of Special Education RFP #24-04 Psychological Services
8.L. Consideration and Possible Action on Special Education RFP#24-03 Occupational Therapy Services
8.M. Consideration and Possible Action on Special Education RFP#24-06 Physical Therapy Services
8.N. Consideration and Possible Action RFP #24-05 AHS Restroom Renovations
8.O. Consideration and Possible Action of the 2024-2025 Professional Development Plan Training Requirements
8.P. Consideration and Possible Action of Offer to Purchase Tax Sale Property Suit # 21-07-17427-B
8.Q. Consideration and Possible Action of Offer to Purchase Tax Sale Property Suit #19-12-17405-B
9. Closed or executive meeting or session called in accordance with the following provisions set forth in the Texas Government Code:
9.A. Texas Gov't Code Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters
9.A.1. Presentation, Acceptance and Approval of New Hires:
9.A.1.a. Discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation regarding the hiring of an/or individual(s) for the position of Principal(s).
9.A.1.b. Discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation regarding the hiring of an/or individual(s) for the position of Assistant Principal(s).
9.A.1.c. Discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation regarding the hiring of an individual for the position of the Dean of Instruction
9.A.1.d. Discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation regarding the hiring of an individual for the position of Special Education Counselor.
9.A.1.e. Discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation regarding the hiring of an individual for the position of Special Education Coordinator.
9.A.1.f. Discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation regarding the hiring of an individual for the position of Special Education Diagnostian
9.A.1.g. Discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation regarding the hiring of an individual for the position of Director of Student Services.
9.A.1.h. Discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation regarding the hiring of an individual for the position of Executive Director of Human Resources.
9.A.1.i. Discussion of the Superintendent's recommendation regarding the hiring of an individual for the position of Assistant Athletic Director
9.A.2. Presentation, Acceptance and Approval of Retirements:
9.A.3. Presentation, Acceptance and Approval of Resignations.
9.A.4. Personnel Update Regarding Investigations, New Hire(s), Retiree(s) and Resignation(s)
9.B. Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071-Legal Matters/Board Attorney Advice and 551.074 Personnel
9.B.1. Consultation with Attorney and Discussion Regarding Board Member Roles and Responsibilities
10. Board to reconvene in open meeting or session to consider and take action as necessary on items discussed in closed or executive session.
11. Announcement(s)/Action Item(s):
11.A. Consideration and Possible Action of New Hire(s)
11.A.1. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Hire of Principal(s).
11.A.2. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Hire of the Assistant Principal(s).
11.A.3. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Hiring of the Dean of Instruction.
11.A.4. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Hire of the Special Education Counselor.
11.A.5. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Hire of the Special Education Coordinator.
11.A.6. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Hiring of a Special Education Diagnostician.
11.A.7. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Hire of the Director of Student Services.
11.A.8. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Hire of the Executive Director of Human Resources.
11.A.9. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Hiring of the Assistant Athletic Director.
11.B. Consideration and Possible Action of Retirement(s)
11.C. Consideration and Possible Action of Resignation(s)
11.D. Discussion and Possible Action of Ongoing Investigation(s)
11.E. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Board Member Roles and Responsibilities
12. Adjourn