August 26, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Special Meeting
Friday, August 23, 2019 5:00p.m.
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Establish Quorum
1.B. Announcement that this meeting of the Alice Independent School District has been duly called and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code.
1.C. Pledge to the United States Flag and Texas Flag. Moment of Silence.
2. Citizens to Be Heard
3. Informational Items
3.A. Child Nutrition Update
3.B. Natatorium Proposal-City of Alice
4. Action Items
4.A. Consideration and Take Possible Action the Adoption of the 2019-2020 Alice Independent School District Budget
4.B. Consideration and Take Possible Action to Adopt by Ordinance the 2019-2020 Alice Independent School District Tax Rate
4.C. Consideration and Possible Action on Acceptance of 2019 Alice ISD Appraisal Certified Tax Roll
4.D. Consideration and Possible Action Stadium Restroom Change Orders #1 for RFP 19-02
4.E. Consideration and Possible Action to Authorize Superintendent to negotiate with TR Architect for Non-Bond Facilities
5. Closed or executive meeting or session called in accordance with the following provisions set forth in the Texas Government Code:
5.A. Texas Gov't Code Section 551.074-Personnel
5.A.1. New Hires/Resignations
5.B. Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071-Legal Matters/Advice
6. Board to reconvene in open meeting or session to consider and take action as necessary on items discussed in closed or executive session.
7. Adjourn