June 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 4pm
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Establish Quorum
1.B. Announcement that this meeting of the Alice Independent School District has been duly called and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code.
1.C. Pledge to the United States Flag and Texas Flag. Moment of Silence.
2. Alice ISD Spotlight
2.A. Softball and Baseball All-District Honors
2.B. State Band Qualifiers
2.C. Texas State Solo and Ensemble Competition
2.D. Alice Senior Parents Service and Support
3. Public Hearing: Community Input for Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) 2019-2020
4. Public Hearing: Annual Review Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) 2018-2019
5. Citizens to Be Heard
6. Informational Items
6.A. Alice ISD-Academic Update
6.A.1. Academic Organizations
6.A.2. Student Performance Monitoring
6.B. Alice ISD Business Report
6.B.1. Budgeted/Expended Comparison Summary Ending May 31, 2019
6.B.2. Quarterly Investment
6.B.3. Prosperity Bank Donation
6.C. Alice ISD Maintenance & Operations Progress Report
6.C.1. Facilities Report
6.C.2. Security and Safety Report
6.D. Alice ISD-Athletic Department Board Report
7. Consent Action Items:All items under the Consent Agenda are acted upon by one motion. Upon a Board Member's request, any item on the Consent Agenda shall be moved to the Action portion of the regular agenda.
7.A. Minutes
7.A.1. Special Board Meeting May 2, 2019
7.A.2. Regular Board Meeting May 13, 2019
7.B. Application for Tax Refund
7.B.1. Tyler & Chanel Gaulding
7.C. Donations to Alice ISD
8. Action Items
8.A. Consideration and Possible Action of the Optional Flexible School Day (OFSD)
8.B. Consideration and Possible action on RFQ 19-10 Project Managements Services
8.C. Consideration and Take Possible Action on Requisitions over $30,000
8.D. Consideration and Possible Action of the 2019-2020 AHS Cheer Constitution
8.E. Consideration and Possible Action of 2019-2020 WAMS Cheerleading Constitution
8.F. Consideration and Possible 2019-2020 Athletic Handbook
8.G. Consideration and Possible Action of 2019-2020 Strutters Constitution
8.H. Consideration and Possible Action of 2019-2020 Band Handbook
8.I. Consideration and Possible Action of the 2019-2020 Alice ISD Student Handbook
8.J. Consideration and Possible Action of the 2019-2020 Alice ISD Dress Code
9. Closed Session: Board will adjourn into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act
9.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section § 551.074 - Personnel
9.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section § 551.071 - Legal Matter/Advice
10. Reconvene to Open Meeting: The Board will take appropriate action on items, if necessary, as discussed in Closed Session.
11. Adjourn