June 15, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
First Order of Business
Establish a Quorum
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of silence
The Medina Valley Board of Trustees will, during the Meeting, close the Meeting and hold a Closed Session pursuant to and in accordance with Chapter 551 of The Texas Open Meetings Act. The Board of Trustees may at any time during the Meeting, close the Meeting and hold a Closed Session concerning any of the matters to be considered during the Meeting pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. |
Hear from Patrons and/or Staff
Discussion and Possible Action Items
Potranco PTO donation
Consent Agenda Items
Minutes of Regular Meeting May 18, 2015 and Called Meeting June 5, 2015
Ratification of Bills
2015-2016 School Calendar Revision - Designated Staff Development Exchange Days
Student Out of State Trips
TASB-initiated Policy Update 102, affecting local policies CDA, DBB, DEA, DEAA, DEAB, DEE, DFFA, DHE, FNC and FO
District - initiated Local Policy Update, affecting Local policies EIC and adding DNA Regulation
TASB Policy Review Session recommendations and instructions regarding (Local) policies AE, BBB, BF, BQA, BQB, CI, DC, DCE, DEC, DIA, DMA, DMD, DP, EHBB, EI, EIE, EIF, FB, FDA, FEF, FFAC, FFH, FJ, FL, FM, GKA and GKD
2015-2016 Memorandum of understanding with Bexar County Juvenile Board
Growth Projections
Potranco Run Bus Route
Preliminary Budget Review for 2015 -2016
Review and Consider 2015 - 2016 Employee Compensation Plan
Financial Information
Budget Amendment(s)
Closed Session
No decisions are made by the Board during Closed Session |
Consider Personnel Matters (TX Govt. Code Section 551.074)
Considering the discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel (TX Govt. Code Section 551.082)
Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Resignation, and Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
Consider Real Property – Land (TX Govt. Code Section 551.072)
Action as Appropriate from Closed Session
Future Meeting Dates, Regular Board Meetings for the 2015 - 2016 school year, Board Training & Bond planning
Consideration for Future Agenda Items