April 16, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
First Order of Business
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Establish a Quorum
Ronald Reagan Centennial Celebration Award
Hear from Patrons and/or Staff
Discussion and Possible Action Items
Consent Agenda Items
Minutes of Regular Meeting- March 26, 2012
Ratification of Bills
“Discussion and take action on recommendation from the Redistricting Advisory Committee regarding revision of single-member district boundaries.”
(Discusión y toma de acción respecto a la recomendación dada por el Comité Regidor Para Nuevamente Dividir en Distritos respecto al repaso de los límites distritales de un miembro único.) |
Health Services and School Health Advisory Annual Report
Construction Update from Medina Valley Facilities Director and Architect(s)
Review Bid Proposals for Agricultural Facility and Tennis Courts
Consider and Approve Administration to Proceed with Contract for Accepted Proposal
Consider and Approve Request(s) for Use of School Facilities
Consider and Approve Revisions to FNA (Local)- Students Rights and Responsibilities: Student Expression
Proposal(s) for Custodial Services
Financial Information
Budget Amendment(s)
Closed Session
Consider and Discuss Personnel Matters (TX Govt. Code Section 551.074)
Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, and Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
Resignations & Employment of Professional Personnel
Consider Purchase, Exchange, and/or Value of Real Property (TX Govt. Code Section 551.072)
Action as Appropriate from Closed Session
Consideration for Future Agenda Items