October 3, 2017 at 5:30 PM - Bradley County Board of Education Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order-Chairman Dillard
2. Invocation - Curtis Strange, Student Pastor, Westwood Baptist Church.
3. Pledge to Flag
4. Consent Agenda
4.a. Meeting Agenda
4.b. Minutes
4.c. Field Trips
4.c.1. BCHS-Indianapolis, Indiana
4.c.2. BCSH-CoCo Beach, FL
4.c.3. WVHS-Gulf Shores, AL
4.c.4. WVHS-Indianapolis, Indiana
4.c.5. WVHS-Polk County, FL
4.c.6. WVHS-Atlanta, GA
4.d. Bids
4.d.1. WVHS Greenhouse Roof Repair
4.e. Policy Review-Vicki Beaty
4.e.1. Policy 4.210-Credit Recovery-2nd reading
4.e.2. Policy 4.301-Interscholastic Athletics-2nd reading
4.e.3. Policy 4.402-Instructional Supplies-2nd reading
4.e.4. Policy 4.600-Grading System-2nd reading
4.e.5. Policy 4.700-Testing Programs-2nd reading
4.e.6. Policy 6.304-Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyber-bullying, and Intimidation-2nd reading
4.e.7. Policy 6.305-Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances-2nd reading
4.f. TCRS Repayment
4.g. 2015 LEA Compliance Report for the Tennessee Department of Education
5. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Agenda Items
6. Director of Schools Report
7. New Position for Waterville Elementary School-Dean of Students - Dr. Linda Cash
8. PIE Innovation Center Master Lease
9. PIE Innovation Center - Tranco Lease
10. 2018-19 School Calendar
11. Announcements - The Board will attend the TSBA Leadership Conference from November 2-5, in Nashville. The November Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 9th at 5:30 at the Central Office.
12. Agenda Items for the Next Board Meeting
13. Adjournment