March 17, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Bloomfield Community Schools - Board of Education - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Opening the Meeting
1.a. Call to Order:
1.b. Board Member Roll Call:
1.c. Nebraska Open Meetings Law:
1.d. Publication of Meeting:
1.e. District Mission Statement:
1.f. Pledge of Allegiance:
2. Celebration of Excellence (Staff & Students)
3. Consent Agenda
4. Action Items
4.a. Renewal of the Board of Education's Membership in the Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB)
4.b. Board of Education 2000s Policies - Administration
4.c. Certified Resignation(s)/New Hire(s)
4.c.i. Hire: Cole Bruns - Asst FB Coach
4.c.ii. Hire: Kayla Eisenhauer - .5 FTE Pre-School Teacher
4.c.iii. Resignation: Kayla Eisenhauer - JH Coaching
4.d. 2025-2026 Certified Contracts
4.e. Superintendent Amendment for 2025-26 Contract Year
4.f. Authorize Samantha Fehringer, business manager, as a district signatory.
5. Informational/Discussion Items
5.a. Superintendent 2nd Required Evaluation - 1st Year of Employment
5.b. Non-Certified Resignations/New Hires
5.b.i. Mrs. Oltjenbruns - SPED Para Resignation/Retirement
5.c. 2025-26 Non-Certifed Work Agreements
5.d. Option Enrollment Applications
5.e. Administrative and Leadership Team Reports
5.e.i. Superintendent
5.e.ii. Supplemental Admin/Leadership Reports: Principals, SPED, Guidance, Activities, Technology, Building & Grounds, Transportation
6. Public Comment
7. Closed Session
8. Adjournment