May 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regularly Called Board of Trustee Meeting
Public Notice |
Call to Order (1 min)
Announcement by presiding officer whether a quorum is present, that the meeting was duly called, and that a notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required by law
Invocation (2 min)
Consider action of Reorganization of Board - Election of Board Officers
RCISD Board of Trustees - President
RCISD Board of Trustees - Vice President
RCISD Board of Trustees - Secretary
Goal/Constraint Progress Measures Board Goal 2 (40 min)
Board Goal 2: The percentage of students on grade level (meets grade level) in math at the end of 3rd grade will increase from 11% in June 2022 to 50% by June 2027.
GPM 2.1: The percentage of PreK students that score on grade level or above in CIRCLE math will increase from 84% to 90% by June 2023
GPM 2.2: Roscoe ECC - Predicted performance on Content Based Assessments for Kindergarten scoring at or above grade level will increase from 40% in 2022 to 44% in 2023.
LSOA - The percentage of K students scoring at or above grade level norm on EOY Progress Learning will increase from 37% to 70% by May 2023. |
GPM 2.3: Roscoe Elementary - Predicted performance on Content-Based Assessments for 1st grade scoring at or above grade level will increase from 27% in 2022 to 33% in 2023.
LSOA - Math Progress Learning EOY performance by 1st grade students scoring at or above grade level norm will increase from 33% to 60% in May 2023. |
GPM 2.4: Roscoe Elementary - Predicted performance on Content Based Assessments for 2nd grade scoring at or above grade level will increase from 8% in 2022 to 14% in 2023.
LSOA - Math Progress Learning EOY predicted performance by 2nd grade students meets grade level will increase from 10% to 30% in May 2023. |
Hear from Patrons (5 min)
Consent Agenda (1 min)
Consider action on/correct minutes from previous meeting(s)
Consider action on financial statements and payment of bills.
Consider action to approve Aramark 2023-24 Food Service Management Contract Renewal
Consider approval to delegate final hiring authority to Dr. Guillermo Mancha, Jr., RCISD Superintendent of Schools, for the purpose of hiring teachers/coaches from May 16, 2023 to September 15, 2023
As the board approved in May 2022, by delegating the final hiring authority provides RCISD with the capability to hire teachers sooner. This help in hiring teachers sooner by not waiting for a board meeting at the risk of losing them to other school districts.
Consider action to approve the hiring of the RCISD Secondary School Principal
The recommendation for RCISD Secondary Principal is Ms. Brittany Arellano. Mr. Arellano is currently the RCISD Secondary Assistant Principal.
Consider action to hire Daniel Ryan Gainey in the capacity of 2023-24 Secondary History Teacher/Coach
Consider action to approve AIRGAS USA, LLC Quote # 2011633335 in the amount of $29,467.44
Action Agenda (10 min)
Superintendent's Report (15 min)
Update on Tax Collections and Financial Statements
Update on P-TECH
Update on Student Research
Update on Data Collection
Update on Eduvet Profit and Loss Report
Update on Collegiate Edu-Nation
Update on Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, Post-Secondary, LSOA, AVID, and Athletic Programs
Informational - RCISD 2023 Summer Hours
May 22, 2023 - July 28, 2023
Monday through Thursday - 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. with 30 minute lunch
Friday - All facilities closed
Week of July 3 - 7, 2023 - All facilities closed
July 31, 2023 - Customary hours resume
Closed Session
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 private consultation with board's attorney
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, matters having to do with deliberation, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, dismissal, complaint or charge against a public officer or employee. This does not apply if the employee in question requests a public hearing.
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0821 matters pertaining to discussing student identifiable information
Pursuant to Government Code Sections 551.072 matters having to do with discussion of purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property
Return into Open Session
Consider action if any of the agenda items as discussed in closed session.