March 23, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes for February 9, 2021, and March 4, 2021
4. Acknowledgments - Simmons Girls Basketball Teams
5. Acknowledgment - Jayla Edwards and Takira Williams for being selected as Delta Honor Graduates.
6. Approval of Consent Agenda:
6.1. Approval of Review of Policy Section K & L
6.2. Approval of Certified and Non-Certified for 2021-2022 School Year
6.3. Approval of District Calendar 2021-2022
6.4. Review of Annual Board Calendar
6.5. Approval of District Organizational Chart for 2021-22 (Policy CC)
6.6. Approval of Personnel Agenda
6.7. 16th Section Report
6.8. Approval of Resolution for Robert Woodruff, Principal at Sanders Elementary
7. Financials
7.1. Approval of Claim Dockets 012326 - 012363 (Policy DJ & IB)
7.2. Statement of Fund Balances February 2020 (Policy DGA)
7.3. Revenue Budget (Policy DIB)
7.4. Budget Status Statement (Policy DIB)
7.5. Cash Balance Statement
7.6. Bank Reconciliation Report
8. Discussion /Approval:
8.1. Approval to Advertise for 16th Section Hunting and Fishing Land 16-15- 5
8.2. Approval of New HSD Logo Design and Request Input from Stakeholders
9. Superintendent's Report: (Policy CO) (Goal 6)
9.1. Trends and Updates in Education
9.2. Delta Gear Up Grant
9.3. SPED Compliance Update
9.4. Professional Learning Board Retreat March 26-28, 2021
9.5. CTE Update
9.6. Legislative Bills Updates
9.7. HSD New Branding Update- MSBA
10. Adjournment (Policy BCBA)