July 31, 2012 at 5:00 PM - Special Called
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order and Invocation
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Consent Agenda:
3.1. Approval of Tentative Receivables and Loans
3.2. Approval of Recommendations of Staff
3.3. Approval of Reimbursement of Staff
3.4. Approval of Salary Adjustment
3.5. Approval of Consultant
3.6. Approval of Letter of Engagement between Petroleum Equipment Services & Repairs and Hollandale School District
3.7. Approval of Asbestos Continuing Services Contract (AHERA Regulations) between Pickering Firm, Inc. and Hollandale School District
3.8. Approval of Special Education IDEA Part B and PreSchool Project Application FY2013
3.9. Approval of Preclearence Letter from U. S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division (Redistricting Plan)
3.10. Approval of HSD 2012-2013 Strategic Plan
3.11. Approval to make July 31st Special Call Meeting apart of the minutes
4. Informational
4.1. Repairs to Building F - MDAH (Mississippi Department of Archives and History)
5. Adjournment: