March 6, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
2. Call to Order
2.A. Invocation
2.B. Open Foum
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Monthly Financial Report
3.B. Approve Remote Homebound Instruction Waiver
3.C. Certify Superintendent to the Regional Advisory Committee - Region 7
3.D. Minutes of the February 6, 2023 Regular Meeting
4. Business
4.A. Purchase Approval
4.B. Approve Board Resolution Extending Depository Contract for Funds Of Independent School Districts Under Texas Education Code, Chapter 45, Subchapter G, School District Depositories - Southside Bank
4.C. Adopt District of Innovation Plan
4.D. Delinquent Tax Update - Perdue Brandon (Information Only)
4.E. Adopt Pay Scale
4.F. Approve Appointment of Election Judge and Clerks
5. Superintendent's Report
5.A. CTE Update
6. Closed Session
6.A. Personnel
6.A.1. Certified Personnel Contracts
6.A.2. Retirements/Resignations
7. Correspondence
7.A. Check Register
7.B. Community Relations
8. Adjourn