August 23, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
2. Public Hearing
2.A. Discussion of Proposed 2021/2022 Budget
2.B. Discussion of 2021/2022 Proposed Tax Rate & Property Values
3. Call to Order
3.A. Invocation
3.B. Open Foum
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Minutes of the August 9, 2021 Regular Meeting
4.B. 2020/2021 Year End Budget Amendments
4.C. Appraisal Calendar
4.D. Resolution for Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization
5. Business
5.A. Purchase Approval
5.B. Adoption of the 2021/2022 Budget
5.C. Adoption of the 2021/2022 Ordinance Setting the Tax Rate
5.D. Committee Reports
5.E. Adopt 2021/2022 Emergency Operations Plan
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Operations Report
6.B. Return to School Update
6.C. Bond Update
6.D. Employee Leave
7. Closed Session
7.A. Personnel
8. Correspondence
9. Adjourn