March 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
I. Call meeting to order and establish a quorum.
II. Invocation
III. Approve minutes of previous meeting.
IV. Todd Hubbart (Region 16)
V. Open Forum - Sign-in sheet and agenda are located in the Board Room. (Three to five minute time limit.)
VI. Superintendent Comments and Campus Reports - Principals
VI.A. Principal Reports
VI.A.1. Student Attendance
VI.A.2. Campus Activities
VI.B. Superintendent Report
VI.B.1. Date of Next Board Meeting
VI.B.2. Board Training Opportunities
VI.B.3. Facilities
VI.B.3.a. Auditorium
VI.B.4. Transportation
VII. Business Items: For information, discussion, and/or action items
VII.A. Approve Financial Report/Expenditures/Budget Amendments
VIII. Personnel Contracts
VIII.A. Approve Teacher Contracts for 2023-2024
VIII.B. Approve Dual Assignment Teacher/Coaches 2023-2024
VIII.C. Approve Athletic Director Contract 2023-2024
VIII.D. Approve Business Manager Agreement 2023-2024
VIII.E. Approve Head of Maintenance Agreement 2023-2024
VIII.F. At-Will Employees Reassurance 2023-2024
IX. Safety and Security
X. Action on closed session items (If needed)
XI. Adjournment