June 20, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
I. Call meeting to order and establish a quorum.
II. Invocation
III. Approve minutes for the previous meeting.
IV. Reorganization of the Board
IV.A. Elect President
IV.B. Elect Vice-President
IV.C. Elect Secretary
V. Open Forum - Sign-in sheet and agenda are located in the Board Room. (Three to five minute time limit.)
VI. Superintendent Comments and Campus Reports - Principals
VI.A. Principal Reports
VI.A.1. Student Attendance
VI.A.2. Campus Activities
VI.B. Superintendent Report
VI.B.1. Date of Next Board Meeting
VI.B.1.a. Regular Meeting, July 18th, 7PM
VI.B.1.b. Regular Meeting--Monday, August 15th, 7PM
VI.B.1.c. Public Hearing/Special Meeting--Monday, August 29th, 7PM
VI.B.2. Board Training Opportunities
VI.B.2.a. Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes--EISO/SB1566
VI.B.2.b. Eichelbaum Newsletters
VI.B.3. Facilities
VI.B.4. Transportation
VI.B.4.a. Transportation/Bus Routes Report
Steven Stevens
VII. Business Items: For information, discussion, and/or action items
VII.A. Approve Financial Report/Expenditures/Budget Amendments
VII.B. Approve contract with Hale County JJAEP/DAEP.
VII.C. School Safety
VII.D. Remove Student Transfer Fees
VII.E. Student Catastrophic Insurance
VII.F. District of Innovation
VII.G. Education Foundation
Jay Wade Johnson
VII.H. Update on Personnel Openings
VII.I. To Give Authority to the Superintendent to Offer Professional Probationary Contracts to Replace Contracted Employees that Resign in the months of June, July, and August, 2022.
Ray Keith
VII.J. Give authority to the superintendent to offer professional probationary contracts for current open personnel positions.
VII.K. 2022-2023 Budget-Workshop 1
VII.L. Salary Increases
VIII. Action on closed session items (If needed)
IX. Adjournment