October 11, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
I. Call meeting to order and establish a quorum.
II. Invocation
III. Approve minutes of previous meeting.
IV. Open Forum - Sign-in sheet and agenda are located in the Board Room. (Three to five minute time limit.)
V. Superintendent Comments and Campus Reports - Principals
V.A. Principal Reports
V.A.1. Student Attendance
V.A.2. Campus Activities
V.B. Superintendent Report
V.B.1. Date of Next Board Meeting
V.B.2. Board Training Opportunities
V.B.3. Facilities
V.B.4. Transportation
VI. Business Items: For information, discussion, and/or action items
VI.A. Approve Financial Report/Expenditures/Budget Amendments
VI.B. Approve the 2021 State Financial Accountability Rating
VI.C. Consider and approve the Resolution in Order to Make Nominations to the Board of Directors of the Randall County Appraisal District
VI.D. TASB Update 117
VI.E. Student Discipline, Rules and Laws
VI.F. Board Goals and Planning
VII. Action on closed session items (If needed)
VIII. Adjournment