July 12, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
I. Call meeting to order and establish a quorum.
II. Invocation
III. Approve minutes of previous meeting.
IV. Open Forum - Sign-in sheet and agenda are located in the Board Room. (Three to five minute time limit.)
V. Superintendent Comments and Campus Reports - Principals
V.A. Principal Reports
V.A.1. Campus Activities
V.B. Superintendent Report
V.B.1. Board Training Opportunities
V.B.2. Facilities
V.B.3. Boys Dressing Rooms Flooded
VI. Business Items: For information, discussion, and/or action items
VI.A. Approve Financial Report/Expenditures/Budget Amendments
Shannon Bressler
VI.B. 2021-2022 Budget
Shannon Bressler
VI.B.1. Consider and Approve the 2021-2022 Proposed Tax Rate
VI.B.2. Set Date for Public Hearing
VI.C. Consider and Approve 2021-2022 Salary Schedules
VI.D. Deliberation and Action on 2021-2022 Cafeteria Meal Prices
Shannon Bressler
VI.E. Discuss and Approve the Reclassification of Delinquent Student Debt for Unpaid Meal Charges
Shannon Bressler
VI.F. 2021-2022 Employee Handbook-Post Legislative Update
Shannon Bressler
VI.G. 2021-2022 Student Handbook--Changes Update
VI.H. Approve Updated Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
VI.I. ESSER Use of Funds Plan
VI.J. Award Bank Depository Services to Happy State Bank for the 2021-2023 biennium.
VI.K. 2021-2022 ESSA Consolidated Application Plan
VI.L. Legislation Regarding TRS ActiveCare and Alternative Group Health Coverage
VI.M. TASB Update 116
VI.N. Approve bid for secondary security project.
VI.O. Approve bid for secondary intercom project.
VII. Action on closed session items (if needed)
VIII. Adjournment