March 8, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order and Invocation
1.1. Roll Call & Establish Quorum
1.2. Prayer - Jason Phillips
1.3. Pledge - Dan Morrow
1.4. Mission Statement - Dr. Kevin Nixon
2. Public Comments/Open Forum
3. Principal Report
3.1. Students of the Month:
Elementary: Annie Wycough & Jake Wright Junior High: Roan Phillips High School: Lola Garcia |
3.2. Elementary Update
3.3. Junior High and High School Update
4. Superintendent Report
4.1. Covid-19 Procedures
4.2. Facility Committee Dates
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Minutes of Regular, February 8, 2021 Meeting
5.2. Budget Update - Approval of accounts payable, student activity, funds on hand/tax collections, budget analysis, and payroll summary.
5.3. Budget Amendment
6. Consider / Discuss
6.1. Consider 2021-2022 Budget Timeline
6.2. Consider IMAT letter regarding TEKS certification
6.3. Consider Resolution of Investment Policies
6.4. Consider Update 116
6.5. Consider E-Rate Network Project Bids
6.6. Consider Resolution related to payment of all school district employees during weather emergency.
6.7. Consider missed School Day Waiver & "Other" Waiver due to inclement weather
6.8. Consider Level 3 Grievance - (Closed Session)
6.9. Consider Substitutes - (Closed Session)
6.10. Consider Personnel - including new hires, resignations, discipline, or performance - (Closed Session)
6.11. Consider Probationary Teachers Contracts - (Closed Session)
6.12. Consider Term Teachers Contracts - (Closed Session)
6.13. Consider Probationary Teachers / Coaches (Dual) Contracts - (Closed Session)
6.14. Consider Term Teachers / Coaches (Dual) Contracts - (Closed Session)
6.15. Consider / Review of Superintendent Applications - (Closed Session)
7. Future Agenda Items
8. Adjournment