June 11, 2012 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Petitions and Communications
3. Budget Workshop #1
4. Items for Action
4.A. Approval of Minutes
4.B. Consider Action on Retaining Legal Services for Ballinger ISD for 2012-2013
4.C. Consider Action on Auxiliary Pay Structure & Administration Pay Structure
4.D. Consider Action on the Contract with Olfen ISD to Accept Students in grade 9-12 who reside within Olfen ISD
4.E. Consider Action on Setting the Prices for the School Breakfast Program, the School Lunch Program and Milk
4.F. Consider Action to Approve High School Plumbing Project
4.G. Consider Setting Future Board Meeting Date(s)
5. Items for Information
5.A. Tax A/C Report
5.B. Budget Report
5.C. Superintendent's Report
5.C.1. Enrollment Figures
5.C.2. Honor Roll/Failure Report
5.C.3. TASA/TASB Convention
5.C.4. Miscellaneous
6. Executive Session
6.A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline of a public officer or employee, including resignations and recommendations from the superintendent on items covered by this section
6.B. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
6.C. Resignations
6.D. Recommendations
6.D.1. Contract for High School Assistant Principal
7. Consider Personnel Recommendations
8. Official Adjournment