March 18, 2013 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Petitions and Communications
3. Items for Action
3.A. Approval of Minutes
3.B. Consider Action on the Continuation of the Flexible School Program
3.C. Consider Action to Approve the First Reading of Policy Updated 96
3.D. Consider Action to Approve the Extension of the Ballinger ISD Depository Contract
3.E. Consider Action to Approve the Ballinger ISD Business Procedures Manual
3.F. Consider Action to Approve the Ballinger ISD Grants Management Procedures
3.G. Consider Action on Casting Ballots for the Region 15 Education Service Center Board of Directors
3.H. Consider Action on Budget Amendment(s)
3.I. Consider Setting Future Board Meeting Date(s)
4. Items for Information
4.A. Athletic Director's Report
4.A.1. Spring Sports
4.A.2. Miscellaneous
4.B. Elementary Principal's Report
4.B.1. Enrollment Figures
4.B.2. Campus News
4.B.3. Miscellaneous
4.C. Junior High Principal's Report
4.C.1. Enrollment Figures
4.C.2. Campus News
4.C.3. Miscellaneous
4.D. High School Principal's Report
4.D.1. Enrollment Figures
4.D.2. Campus News
4.D.3. Miscellaneous
4.E. Tax A/C Report
4.F. Budget Report
4.G. Superintendent's Report
4.G.1. Enrollment Figures
4.G.2. Buildings and Grounds Projects Updates
4.G.3. Electricity Contract
4.G.4. Mrs. Dankworth Donation
4.G.5. Miscellaneous
5. Executive Session
5.A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline of a public officer or employee, including resignations and recommendations from the superintendent on items covered by this section
5.B. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
5.C. Resignations
5.D. Recommendations
5.D.1. Contract for Teachers
5.D.2. Contract for Teacher/Coaches
5.D.3. Contract for Teacher/Band Directors
5.D.4. Contract for Counselors
5.D.5. Contract for Librarians
5.D.6. Contract for Diagnosticians
5.D.7. Contract for Technology Network Integration Specialist
5.D.8. Contracts for Technology Help Desk Integration Specialist
5.D.9. Contract for Nurse
5.D.10. Contract for Program/Curriculum Director
6. Consider Personnel Recommendations
7. Official Adjournment