May 14, 2012 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Petitions and Communications
3. Presentation by SPJST Regarding a Historical Marker
4. Items for Action
4.A. Approval of Minutes
4.B. Consider Action on the Second Reading of Update 93
4.C. Consider Action on a TEA Waiver for Modified Schedule for State Assessment Days
4.D. Consider Action on Deeding the 60 feet by 140 feet of property off of the North ends of Lots Eleven Through Fifteen in Block Nineteen of the Original Town of Ballinger and more particularly described by metes and bounds in Volume 51, Page 372 of the Deeds Records, Runnels County, Texas to the City of Ballinger
4.E. Consider Action on the Approval of Transfers for 2012-2013
4.F. Consider Action on Region XV Service Contracts for 2012-2013
4.G. Consider Action on the District and Campus Parental Involvement Policies
4.H. Consider Setting Future Board Meeting Date(s)
5. Items for Information
5.A. Curriculum Director's Report
5.A.1. Curriculum Audit
5.A.2. Miscellaneous
5.B. Elementary Principal Report
5.B.1. Enrollment Figures
5.B.2. Campus News
5.B.3. Miscellaneous
5.C. Junior High Principal Report
5.C.1. Enrollment Figures
5.C.2. Campus News
5.C.3. Miscellaneous
5.D. High School Principal Report
5.D.1. Enrollment Figures
5.D.2. Campus News
5.D.3. Miscellaneous
5.E. Tax A/C Report
5.F. Budget Report
5.G. Superintendent's Report
5.G.1. Enrollment Figures
5.G.2. Budget
5.G.3. Superintendent's Council
5.G.4. Miscellaneous
6. Executive Session
6.A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline of a public officer or employee, including resignations and recommendations from the superintendent on items covered by this section
6.B. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
6.C. Resignations
6.D. Recommendations
6.D.1. Contract for Elementary Principal
6.D.2. Ratify Superintendent's Acceptance of the Resignation of Athletic Director/Head Football Coach
7. Consider Personnel Recommendations
8. Official Adjournment